I so favorited on my Youtube
If it is from youtube, you do the following: type - you know those letters and numbers at the end of the link ex. link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NlmMxXWEQw (these numbers) You put them where the ** are so if you use this one it should like this: [**youtube=6NlmMxXWEQw]6NlmMxXWEQw[/youtube**] (Take out the ** at the beggining and the end)
I don't know. Why is this call the playground but there is no slide or seesaw?
Chicks, money, power, and chicks
Dude= Hair on an elephant's buttocks.
10, as long as I am not an idiot and screw it up like I screwed up my Crisis Core by trying to take the disc out of the case-thingy.
I liked all of the movies though the last one was kind of weird. Though the effects were awesome.
Lucky for me, most of my house is carpet so I can actually sneak around easier.
No but I want to. I am already subscribed to Mark Crilley on Youtube
Name: Mark Sparrow age: 16 gender: male apperence: parents: Jack Sparrow and an unnamed wench (barmaid) others: has a small gambling addiction
Did anyone get him a cake?
Happy happy birthday from all of us to you! We wish it was our birthday so we could party too!
72? A monkey? 12,239,781 calories? What?
That was extremely creepy!!
:P you are weird
NICE!!!!! I am level 1 on Halo 3
nothing much dude COWWWWWWW!!!!!!