I went pee pee :D
You can change your name? =o
Pfft, I would never add Famous to my MSN
Low battery life only matters if you feel that you must play with the light on the maximum setting. Otherwise its not much of a big deal. I am curious as to what kind of DSiware will be on it. There is some old gameboy color games I wouldnt mind getting my hands on again (Pkmn silver, DQ III, etc) since the cartridges wear out on me pretty fast. The camera is gimicky, but the pictures arent that bad despite it only being .3 megapixels. People tend to forget that going only by MP is a horrible way to judge a camera. I can see it being useful if they can intergrate its use in some games in a non-annoying way. This is more of a purely optional buy, more like the Gameboy Micro and such.
Inb4 patrick is a- Darn.
Inb4 patrick is a homo~
But it was already heeeeeeeeeeeere D:
Such a tough question D: It'd have to be Coco. She's so darn snuggly looking, is full of coffee, and her breath smells like herb liquor <:3
Joshua of course. He can levitate~ Whats more awesome than that?
*chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp* <:3
*chirp chirp chirp* <:3
*chirps* <:3
Why is cocoa so tasty?
I would've put queen of strawberry blonde hair but..... it dun sound so gud.
How can I not remember? You are like my bestest friend everz. Plus you get cake AND candy on your b-day. How awesome is that?
Yay :'D
Your mom. Dur.
Sorry D: But she does have candies :D
Also known as Ashwa's birthday thread. Totally official.... And her cake is a lie.