19 so hows ur life?
=^_^= Your very welcome :D I think everyone should be enjoying this day.....I hope you enjoy your candies =^_^=
:o oh....17
:ooooo ...........
Kagura turned to face the girl. "Tell me miss......what are you thinking?". She looked at the lake water once again
dun be sad *huggglez* fifteen!!!!!
*gives 2 bags of candies* you deserve it :D ^-^ HAPPY HALLOWEEN ! =^_^=
I dont know o.o?........sorry I r clueless :D
thirteen ?????
*nods* Continue developing your amazing gift
fine fine...11
If your talking to me... I would say.....the faces of little kids when they get scared ...and the sweetness/ sourness or whateverness of candies ^---------xDDDDD so random
9 muahahahahahah
It's amazing what you can do with just 1 circle, right? Let your imagination take you ! LOVE IT
Gawd....... I LOVE IT :D
Hello Counting Buddy ^-^ xDDDDDDDD
seven :D....
Oh gawd so fun :D ......My teeth hurt...SOMEONE BRING ME TO THE DENTIST NAO :<
Thank you I truly learned from that xDDD.....It's wee wee time :D!!!! xDDDD
OOC: Thankiez :D Kagura walked along the lake shore wondering if she was a mistake or not. Maybe it was not my mother's and father's intention to bring me into this world. Would that be the reason why everyone hates me? She came to a sudden halt and looked into the deep dark waters of the lake. Perhaps, I truly am a mistake.....