Well, you're cute and very huggle-able.....o_o......<.<......>.>......o.o........O.O........:D You're just so nice and stuff! :3 *huggles*
I hope it comes so you'll be happy. :D *huggles*
Cool! I am too! :D
I don't really listen to them, I just like their song The Bleeding. Do you know if Re: COM's going to Europe or not?
Yesterday on the blog was epic...:D Did anyone else come on?
O.O Are you serious?! It was Scream, Aim, Fire.... Do you listen to Five Finger Death Punch?
It's Composure-August Burns Red Another random song URL
What's up?
:D Random Song URL OMG, I love this song! Listen to it!
I want DBZ continued...... *cries* I miss spiky blonde hair dudes fighting each other to the death!!!
Oh, cool! ....................................random huggle glomp!!!! :glomp:
:blink: What ceases to amaze me is that I've been here longer than you, but you have more posts than I do.... :blink:
Is it like the Disney Cinderella or just the fairy tale?
I'm just kidding! :D But that's awesome you're a pro at dancing! So have you been in any big competitions or anything?
I didn't know they had this, soooo.... My name is Roxas24Sora, and I really enjoy this sight and I hope to see any other people who enjoy it as much as I do. :D
Oh, cool! I can say I now know a professional ballerina. :D Did you know I'm a professional air guitarist? ;)
Hey, you're a Christian...right?
You're very welcome! :D Yeah, I play baseball. :D Do you do any hobbies besides creative writing?
Here... *throws blanket over Atlantic Ocean* Is that better? :D
I know how to warm you up... *huggles* I hope you feel better soon.