LOL! I was playing final mix when I tried to activate Limit Form when i was fighting Terra. I stayed in the one partwhere Sora glows white and it stayed there. O.o
she ok, not ugly or good looking, kinda in-between lol
...riiiiight.....good luck lol
*typeswith my good hand* ttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiisssss iiiiiiiiiiidsssssssssssss hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaarrrrrddddddd
aaaaaaiiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhttttttt wwwwwwweeeeeeee wwwwiiiiiillllllll ppppoooosssssttttt liiiikkkkeee ttthhhiiiisssss (gets carpal tunnel)
Where have I been since Sonic Adventure it's possible, theres a DS game, and it looks like it might be ff style combat lol....pretty sweet
mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaayyyyyyyybbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiii sssssssssssshhhhhhhhoooooooouuuuuulllllddd ddooo iiiiiiiiiiiittttt mmmmoooorrree offfttteeenn
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp lllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooolllllllllll
ooooh i see, well have fun xD
Blind Riku, he seemed more bad *** with his blindfold. It actually made him look like a Riku lol.
Yepperz, so whats up?
yah i noticed that too, kinda weird if ya asks meh lol.
I live in teh wudzzz! lol michigan Dx
haha second visitor message! whats up?
Blah. Didn't enjoy kh1 much, but I'm going to have to say Riku...
Good thing I'm not a part of that, I'd be out in less that 5 yeah I'm pretty dumb xD
geometry, with the inductive reasoning and if-then statements, stuff like that :(
Sweet, couldnt see the first one very well, but played it over and over to get a mental image of it, great vids anyway! thanks :D
...............................................................The end.
I really can't say right now. Haven't watched many trailers and obviously haven't playedthe game.