more new codes by me Re: Chain of Memories click "new game" to view Sora's credits 205f6830 00203bd1 105f6834 00009b29 205f67b0 00203bd1 105f67b4 00009b29 click "new game" to view Riku's credits 205f6830 000efaa8 105f6834 00009799 205f67b0 000efaa8 105f67b4 00009799 Select "new game (sora)" to view Sora's ending 205f6830 001f7b77 105f6834 00008659 205f7410 00203bd1 105f7414 00009b29 Select "new game (sora)" to view Riku's ending 205f6830 000ee26f 105f6834 00001839 205f7410 000efaa8 105f7414 00009799
yes, they have been discontinued for along time now
*leaves gigantuous cake and soda*
*leaves bigger cake*
use the wii ISO loader to load the game
nope, if your not aiming at playing PS2 games on it then your all set ;o
i know, but it runs it through emulation. perfect emulation of the PS2 is damn near impossible because of emulating multiple chips running in parallel on a single-core processor is quite complex. sony themselves have admitted getting the timing perfect in there emulator is frustrating. (thus lower compatibility and lags/low frame rate in games) Original hardware owns emulators ;o
60 gig it has full PS2 hardware in it (which means very very good backwards compatibility, if not all games are compatible) other versions = no PS2 support or runs PS2 games through emulation (emulation isn't always reliable, so the compatibility is far lower than that of the original hardware) so if you can find a 60 gig version, buy it
not a yes, not a no sure we all see where this is probably gonna end up at Source:
seen this Final Fantasy versus XIII trailer i never saw it O_o
the long way is to constantely break his sleights remember that each time a sleight is performed you lose 1 card from your deck if you keep breaking his sleight then eventually he will not be able to perform dark aura (or any sleight for that matter) also he will have hardly any cards in his deck and the ones that he will have will more than likely be on a low level so defeating him then will be easy
with a blue card
every cheat device has the ability to stop values from changing and as for stopping the values stored in address's from changing (DMA) there is a code that can be made to prevent the DMA from moving to random address. but the proper tools to make it have not been made for the PS2. doing it manually is very difficult
for some of you SNES fans, you all should try out "the great battle V" one of the funnest games i played for it
that code was not on a emulator and the code has not been released and probably will never be because of the DMA issue it has
anyone other than me still play very old systems? i play NES and SNES (famicon) more than any other console i can't count how many games i've played for them i play sega genesis from time to time (i like sonic and a few other games, but thats about it for this console) and i like psx and sega saturn not as much as the others i mainly only play romhacking projects on them when they come out anyone else play 8-bit or 16-bit consoles?
christ almighty O_o why in the world did i buy a PS3 then guess i thought sony would once again have alot of exclusive RPG's i thought i saw somewhere that the 360 had extra characters? guess not
seriously, who didn't see this coming popular games + PS3 exclusive = soon coming to 360
lol, he's using a dynamic IP address i used them long ago when i cheated at games online so i could never get perma banned he will eventually stop