Probably, Roxas, Demyx, Xigbar, and Saix.
Make it stop!!!!
To be able to morph. Then I wouldn't need a halloween costume!
Yay! =)
Lol. I'm making that my backround.
Reminds me of the time I threw away a carton of milk and put my trash in the fridge. 0_0 I don't know how it happened but I didn't realize until about 30 seconds later.
I liked Lexaeus's because it's so ironic. I mean he's so loud and obnoxious in the one time he fights yet he's called the SILENT hero.
Yeah I'm thinking about getting it. It sounds really cool and come on. Darth Vader's secret apprentice? Does it GET any cooler?
You know sometimes I think the creators of Pokemon are getting desperate. I mean, have you seen some of the recent pokemon? LOVEDISC? Are you kidding? It's a giant floating heart with eyes! But I suppose they would get a little desperate after being in business for so long.
Banned. That's it. No witty reason. Just banned.
Well. I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is, with what you've got you can only buy a gumball. What's the good news? That IS the good news! YOU CAN GET A GUMBALL!!!!
Lol. The Divine Lunatic for sure. Not only does it describe you perfectly, it's also hilarious and original!
I'd say any card that stuns your opponents because it makes them look like: ""
Awesome. I loved that song in FFX. It was really deep you know? Possibly one of the best FF songs ever.
Well I didn't cry but I was sad. Neither of them deserved to die.
Avvy: 6/10 Sig:10/10 I like them both.
Yar. Have you ever considered killing yourself?
poop. hehe.