Wow! Fight Fight Fight Fight! Now be quiet you're both a ****** **** bucket of **** on a elephant **** ****** with a Yellow ***** on a monkey's *** for your momma's **** ****** faced ***** with a pizza **** on a floor with ***** George bush and ***** Hitler、You **** with your *** and your blue eyed cow *** on a Saturday night *** with MICHEAL JACKSON! OHHHHHH!!! TAKE THAT SOCIETY! XD
Penguin AND Soap people *****es!!!
こんにちは、ばか。 IF you know what I mean. xD
I have no Idea. xD I don't know who you are. Hiya! It's nice to meet you. I'm Imiko. xD
Make an alliance with the evil Soap People army! I'm sure the evil Overlord will help you. xD
:cheers:’Yaoius Maximus' Effects both genders, but mainly targets the young teenage girl population. Symptoms: Drooling, screaming, jumping around, staring blankly into space, becoming increadibly single minded, and red face. Effect: Makes whom ever it comes into contact with extremely obsessed with YAOI!!!!!!!! AWE HELL, I'VE GOT IT!!! *Drools* :cheers:
I agree with all of your opinions, but what do we areally know? Real? Or not? We can't exactly say. So who are we to put a finger on what is 'real' or not?Could we really say this is what is real and what is not? Damn, it's hard to say. ^^
Yay! <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really??? Oh, I'm sorry. >,< *Kills thread* KAY!NO MORE POSTIE!
I don't know what that means, but Woo! Go you!!! xD
Haha, I wouldn't if I was you! ばか!!!
Holy ****. That's all I have to say about that. That pisses me off to no ****ing end. If anyone was like that in my town and I'd found out about that I'd **** him up so bad he'd wish I hadn't ****ed him up so bad!!!! (xD))Like honestly. That's just sick. Wrong. I hate people like that.
Loves mother to the point of stalking.
Thread revival! =D Yay!
Damn the blobs to hell, Is say! DAMN THEM! >,<
Lolz Awe sorry! xD
xD Lolz That's too funny! xDDD
WOOOOOO! Go pain! xD I burned my self on Hawt Glue too you know! I wonder if hawt glue is made of horses or not... xDDD NUUU POOR HORSEY!! -_-