I wish my name meant something...
Yeah... It appears guys get nervous when they're around girls, or anyone for that matter, that they find attractive. Also, they're pupils become dilated...
Wow, this is the second time my pet skunk has decided to run away... Coincidence?
Congratulations! I am now レッツ・シェイク 's Husband, DSK's girlfriend, and HigherBeing's wife. Yay!
No prob. I'm always there for a soul in need... Or for the lulz. Whatevers available...
A local chatroom? Just type in Local, then the name of your hometown, county, whatevs, then Chatrooms, and see what you get.
I see... Well, if it's embarassing, I guess you don't have to tell me.
No... Just put out an ad in some local chatroom. 'WANTED- Gay Roommate To Cook, Clean, and Be meh B****"
No, I'm okay. Go on...
I was justt gonn suggest that you get a gay roommate...
Happy birthday, Supreme Bunny Overlord!
Yes Can you feel the sunshine?
Edgeworth? Hmm... I LIKE IT!
Get a butler...
Well hello there, cake lady! Kissed anyone hot lately?
Yes Have you ever seen the Tails Doll?
I has itches on my arm... Lucky... I get butt itches when I sit at my computer too long... Oh ****, I just got another one!
Yes, Timpani!
I'm going to destroy you with my Technologic...