hey :D how you?
never seen ya before, but have fun with the rest of ur life :)
hai there i've never seen you before :D
^-^ yeppers
hai i like ur profile pic :3
*throws candy at you*
woo! :starwars:
hai there =3
wow i like it too :) i totally agree with friendly heartless
thanks!! x3
What??? ur leaving so soon?!?! well i hope u'll come and visit sometimes :[ and that the rest of ur life goes well :D
ha i like ur avvi ;D
yay! ^____^ *gives you a cookie*
hey there :D hope you like kh-v so far
Hai there! welcome to kh-v! if you stay in the forums it's pretty easy to make friends ^-^ plus i'll be your friend too!
Ahhh! she replaced riku with someone O.o ive seen FMA like once or twice....kinda cool
yep :) im really bored....
hey there wazzap??
Hey Ven? ! welcome to kh-v!! remember to only spam in the spamzone and post lots!! If you have any specific questions you could ask an admin or mod :D
Hey i knew the first one! :D but not this one... v.v