maybe you right, Like Zack at Crisis core, he can't Switch his weapon (Except after Defeat angeal and Beach event) or they can change their keyblade like previous Khs? i still confused about keyblade :(
yeah, maybe light meter will have same effect as Drive meter at kh2 or Roxas get dual wielding only at Special battle (like 2nd Axel battle at Kh2)
can someone give me Boss ally UCM and Digits?
i see. maybe the coders are working on it?
Cool, Thank you! Terra was GREAT <3
is there a code to make Limit cut (Data) bosses become Ally? Like Terra or sephy does. can i make the other bosses become ally? like Lexaeus, Marluxia, etc. like these vids:
hi! is there anything's new?? this kindda old maybe, but, is it possible to make hooded roxas has a scan ability?
awesome! but, where should i use this code?
i already know about it, thx. no probs, this one is Beginning of play as Boss project, i hope there is another Version of code like the code of Riku's :D
thanks for reply! whoohooo! i can try this AWESOME CODE NOW! :D :D :D :D :D :D
Thanks! :D so, i should put the code like this? E003FEFF 0034D45C 21c954f0 58455f4e 21c954f4 5f303238 21c954f8 004c5442 01c954ef 00000006 2036d8c0 61786f72 0036d8c4 00000073 E017FDFF 0034D45C 2081cc44 00000347 20e67644 00000101 2081cdb8 00e91130 2081feb8 01038f20 2081ff38 00fe12e0 2081ff78 00fe5c60 2081f218 00ff3a10 2081db18 01080f60 2081cef8 00e9b910 2081cf38 00ea9280 2081cf78 00eb6fb0 2081cfb8 00ec33e0 2081cff8 00ed10a0 2081d034 00edc350 2081d078 00ee6e40 2081d0f8 00efd300 2081da58 010556b0 2081cc58 01023820 2081ffb8 00fea5b0 2081fff8 00fea5b0 20820038 00fea5b0 2081f998 01041d00 2081f9d8 01041d00 EDIT: will this code works on AR MAX? (i'll convert before use it on my AR MAX)
AWESOME CLOUD! thank you! :D by the way, does someone has the code to make Sora's Voice become Roxa's? it'll be great to use it with Play as Boss Roxas code (if it possible).
Hi Guys! how are you? Play as Hooded Roxas is awesome! thanks to all of the Coders! :D is there anything 's new?
awesome ^^
nice! i can't wait for this game!! :D
here, it works perfectly for me, this code has found a long time ago (if i correct :sweatdrop: ) Infinite HP 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 remember, you must equip once more ability to make it works.
aww, i can't wait for that, awesome!
aww, i hope it'll come to PS2 soon!