I've always wanted to be a graphic designer, but I as you can see, I need to work a lot on it. I also want to be a History or Religion teacher in case that doesn't work. Of course, there's always the dream of becoming an actor/singer, but I highly doubt that will happen.
*pokes* Hello. How are you?
I felt the same exact way about the book; my friend forced me to read it. I was a fan of it, not so much anymore, though. Anyway, to stay on topic. I'm still reading Brisingr. I haven't had the time to read it due to school and such, but I plan on finishing it when I get the time. Acts - yes, as in the one in the Bible. It might be my third time reading it, but it's a school assignment. I like it anyway, so it's no big deal.
Break Up ~ Manafest
Read the first page, hun. It's the one about calling the number.
TOMORROW?! Shoot. I have so much to catch up on in so little time. Anyways, about Vampire Knight. I love it. It's one of my favorite animes. I love the style and I adore the characters.
Inhuman ~ Thousand Foot Krutch
But, isn't the cake a lie? *brick'd* Fine, I'll do it! Blame darkcloud, he was distracting me. Edit: I finished it! Where's the cake?
Ah, but it's not due til Tuesday. And I have four chapters left to write an outline on. I MIGHT as well get it done; even though I don't want to.
*revives* Yay, I'm alive! 8D *looks at desk* UGH, homework! DX
If you need another judge, I'd be more than willing to help. I was a judge for this on another site and I love reading original works. So, if you need another judge, you can just ask me.
I HATE that stupid, ginormous, bird noise thing. ._. EDIT: Yay, I just beat him. 8D Took forever, though. DX And now I can't defeat that stupid...
Ew, ew, ew, ew! DDD: *dies from the icky medicine*
Ouch. Dx I hope you feel better soon. Yes; it makes me want to cry. I haven't been sick in months.
Satan himself. Sorry, had to put it. xD Why might you go to the hospital? o.o Are you okay? Eh, I'm all right; just a little sick.
Homework is evil and should have never been invented. >: Same with tests...and quizzes. So, how are you?
Those are very awesome. Wish I could make stuff like that with GIMP. I'm thinking about stealing the fifth one...can I? xD
*pokes* I'm bored and I don't want to do my homework. D:
Yeah, I've been trying that, but whenever I attacked the big bird, the little birds just swoop down at me. Should I play as Shiki too? Or should I...
I'm all right; like you I've been playing my DS lately. I recently got The World Ends With You.