Leah stared down at the toy. "I'm not sure how it got in my suitcase, though..." She said, hugging it close to her and burying her face in it's soft, furry head. She leaned her head on George's shoulder, thinking.
"Yeah..." She said softly, looking down at the bunny with a somewhat sad and angry expression. "I thought I'd lost it forever..."
Leah looked up at him and smiled. "My sister gave it to me as a Christmas present when I was four," She said, looking down at the toy and playing with it's ears.
Leah couldn't help but blush. "Thanks..." She said and smiled. She gently kissed his cheek. She then reached over and grabbed her bunny, setting it in her lap.
Leah moved it a little and winced.
Leah shrugged. "Hey, everything's not always what it appears..." She smiled. She gently lifted up the leg of her pajama pants so that they could see her ankle. She winced a little. It was somewhat swollen. Leah couldn't tell the difference.
"Ah, I see..." She said, softly. "I can't tell if it's broken or sprained. Either way, it hurts..." She laughed lightly. "I'm so clumsy, sometimes."
Leah smiled. "Don't tell me you're a doctor, now..." She said and giggled, taking his hand, gently.
Leah shrugged. "I screamed. You must've been panicked. I probably would've done the same thing if I heard you scream..." She blushed and sat on her bed, wincing a bit.
OOC- lol XD Leah sighed, still bright red. That time was my fault... She thought and winced. She quickly dried off and got dressed in her pajamas before heading back out into their dorm. She tried to be careful of her ankle, so as not to hurt it. She looked over at George, seeing his expression, and blushed. "You know it was my fault, this time..." She said.
Leah winced. "It feels like I sprained my ankle..." She said. Then she noticed that she was still in a towel and blushed deeply, screaming again and sitting up.
no, they want to change it to something darker for October... but what was it changed to?
Leah finished her shower and got out, wrapping a towel around herself. She smiled as she dried off, but slipped on the wet floor and let out a small scream as she fell, the towel still wrapped around her. "Ow..." She muttered to herself.
Leah absent-mindedly started singing. OOC- lol just for fun. ;D
so... what exactly is the theme, now?
OOC- ... lol oops. Sorry, I didn't realize he didn't put a shirt on, or else I definately would've done it... XD *half asleep* Leah took off her clothes and got in the shower.
*shudders* It was freaky... Now I'm afraid to put my feet on the floor... I haven't even touched the floor for two hours... XD
Leah opened her eyes and sat up on the bed, still holding the bunny close to her. "Okay," She said and smiled. She gently laid the bunny down on the bed and got her clothes, going into the bathroom.
Leah giggled and looked through her suitcase for clothes she could wear to bed tonight. It was then that she found an old stuffed animal from a long time ago. She gasped sharply when she saw it, surprised. How had it gotten in her suitcase? It was a small, stuffed bunny with floppy ears and a big, bushy tail. The fur was originally tan, but it was a bit faded now, as she'd had it for a while. Leah gently picked it up and walked over to the bed, laying down and looking at it. Wow... Still the same as I remember it... But why would my mom...? She stopped her thought short and hugged the bunny tightly against her chest, closing her eyes. Maybe it just fell in by accident when I was packing. Mom wouldn't care enough to do that... She thought.
Leah blushed when he said that, but she laughed. "Don't worry, I won't..." She said and grinned.