"Now.. Now Axel. That 'thing' is your good old buddy Roxas. And his cousin." She said waving at in a way infront of her face looking at Axel.
"Lie." Fang said with a straight face he always has.
Koian nodded and started to walk slower but making sure it didnt look like she was spying.
Masako heard something hit a wall. "Whats that sound?" She asked getting quiet and walking to the sound.
Koian's eyes fluttered open and sat up. She was near a coffee shop. "Where am I?" She whispered to herself. Who am I... Where am I? Thinking hard Koian head starts to hurt more she tries to remember. She had amnesia...
"Yeah! He is my new dart board." She said laughing a little at Roxas's face.
Namine had gotten hit across the room and hit the wall. "Oof!" She said hitting the wall. Shaking her head she got up slowly and headed to her room/base to regroup. Only half of her army had survived. She summoned a half more and laid on her bed in pain. She clutched her stomach still feeling the hit she took there.
again, I dont know =D
OOC- okay =o IC- Angel, Nudge, and Fang landed in the woods a few yards away from the school. "Ready?" Fang asked them. Angel just nodded looking at the ground walking to the school.
Koian looked at Just. "What should we do now?" She asked in a low voice.
OOC- i thought i made it to the roof? No? O_O Koian laid there on the [insert word of where i am].
Luna turned and eyed her. She didnt say anything.
"You wanna play?" She asked smirking summoning her kunais. She threw 5 at him jumping back a bit.
Namine looked at her army getting a little smaller. She summoned a few assassinate nobodies. Also summoning a few free lancer nobodies. "Go after Axel!" She ordered at them. They disappeared and appeared near Axel attempting to hurt him. Meanwhile, Namine herself drew her a katana in her book. It soon appeared in front of her. Grabbing it she jumped into a portal behind Axel. Slicing at Axel hard she jumped at him.
OOC- Its okay. IC- Koian looked at Mello peaking out of the door at the L like figure.
Masako followed her down the trail until they came to the end of it. "I think we should go straight." She said looking at a well up ahead in the distance.
"Awwww com'on Mar-Mar. Dont give me the silent look." She said looking at him.
Larxene was drived to get a show out of Roxas 1 and Roxas 2. She shoved Roxas 2 at Roxas 1 after finding him. "Roxas. There is two of you." She said at Roxas 2. She floated up and watch them fight from distance. Meanwhile, Roxas 2 looked at Roxas 1 confused.
OOC- Im now just waiting for the right time to go unKOed IC- Still laying there KOed, Koian body laying there on its own starts to rise up and float away to her gun she left on the roof. (scary..)
Namine was to mad to notice Axel's nobdies and heartless get into her decoy army.