LOL yup! 8D @emmy-dot: YUP! i r CRAZY! 8DDD xP
hahaa, not really XP it just means i'm getting moar obsessed with things other than KH :D edit- EMMY-DOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :glomp: :DDD
chyeah o.o i'm getting rusty in the knowledge of KH LOL and i thought that'd neeever happen >__>, i only just remembered that until you mentioned it O_o yeah XD it is...but i'm up to, laik, episode 22 now ._. it's getting quite good around this point...IDK about episodes at the beginning...or episodes 1-3; i skipped those o.o started at episode 4 when i was at AFest XP
not much, still watching Soul Eater xDD gash, i'm addicted LOL
hahaa~ *ninja-glomp'd* hay! =D
huh, not much happened here either >n>
i try ;~; my church group and i went to Night of Joy at Disney once, and we were up till 2 in the morning, and had to go to the early service at church the next day TT~TT i pretty much fell asleep in 1st period that monday OTL
huh, lucky o.o i bet if i were to fall asleep during class i'd get the snot beat outta me and i almost did fall asleep once ;A;
@Burn- DANG THAT"S EARLY!! O>O skool starts- 8:30 ends- 3:40 (TEN MINUTES LATER THAN LAST YEAR!!! DDD<)
i got the 'red box' thing you said in the message you gave me with the rep points and no, the pionts were positive
nope, not really XD i got the 'red box' thing from the rep points you gave me xP ah okies then XD lol
hahaa yeah, that's where i got it from XP who's minty? O_o lol
it's cuz i gotta wait for my birthday =________________= but that's only...3 and a half days away now XD *spazzes* OMG srs? D: dangit
well hay thar burn~
hmm i missed out on quite a bit o.o GAAAH I WANT TO USE MY TABLET!!! DDD<
haa yeah xP my friends started watching it, then when we went to AFest we watched it there since it was showing (and i hadn't watched it before then, so i thought it was pretty dang good when i saw it) see ya~ ):
LOL i'm not missing out on much, now am i? >_> i check in every now and then, so i'm technically not gone XP but Soul Eater is getting really weird now O_o lol
THAT"S EPIC! :D lol yeah, the 4chan link didn't load for me either OTL but that's an awesome bg XP
XDD gah D: in Japan (converted to US dollars) it's, laik, $150! D8 whereas on ebay you can just get it for, laik, just over 30 bucks...but then i bet that they pound you with shipping and stuffz =________________=;;; edit- nao i get back to watching Soul Eater! in SUPER EPIC HIGH QUALITY! :O lol