Ranting is so stupid, especially ranting about stupid **** that doesn't deserve to be ranted about, like ranting for example, clearly ranting is wonderful so why would you rant about ranting? Because ranting is ******ed. Unless you're me. Ranting is for ****.
September 24th, betch.
Maybe we're ****ed over, maybe not. All I know is...this **** is making the Gas prices go down to 20 dollars a barrel.(maybecough) Which is awesome ****.
I don't want any of you to get me wrong here. I'm opposed to the bailout just because I want to see how far this massive **** up can go.
Desperation can lead people to do irrational things. And looking at the situations of some people, they have nothing to lose or to risk from it.
The insurance and mortgage companies are the ones that are wrong here, they allowed low income Americans to take out loans that they couldn't pay for, which any good company shouldn't do. Don't blame the poor people. People who don't have enough money to pay for a house on their own, and not enough money to pay for a loan to HELP them pay for the house. I suppose it'd be better if they just lived on the street. Problem solved, right?
I'd actually say it's kind of hard NOT to laugh at you. You obviously are making mountains out of mole hills.
Guys I ****ing hate all of you because you're all idiots who need to stfu, :3 Beat I hate you you're gay. Kay I love you you're cool Omar I love you you've always sexxed me up when I TRULY needed it Orange I think you're pretty cool and ****. **** ALL YALZ RIGHT AM I RIGHT.
This statement is void, as Beat just spent the last month showing self control.
Congress hasn't had the opportunity to make any real changes in the last 8 years because anything that could be considered real progress is Vetoed by our beloved President.
... YES. 8Dc
Mostly Republicans voted against the Bailout. Get your facts straight. Not to mention you just contradicted yourself in the same sentence. You have a serious problem sir.
You obviously have no idea about how the government works. Congrats. And her name is Tina Fey.
I'm wondering if perhaps the man was born without eyelids.
Yeah I'd say it's pretty creepy. But then again, enormous amounts of Speed will do that to a person.
I think I'll just leave this right here.
http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f199/Cin999/Stocks/ Not really, but it's a pretty large amount. Enjoy and ****.
http://zip.4chan.org/a/src/1222718331219.jpg Epic shiiiiiiiiit.