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  1. 778MasterMarluxia
    i always laugh at the sounds demyx makes when you take him outv his battle. you should look in the first page. it has most of the codes you're looking for.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. 778MasterMarluxia
    dude. i just said that dumbass. only on FINAL MIX. he was asking about regular kh2 ntsc. NOT final mix. and i dont mean your really dumb... im sorry.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. 778MasterMarluxia
    been there, asked that. no. only in final mix

    i was looking for a code i never got and i saw this. could some tell me some more information on this.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. 778MasterMarluxia
  5. 778MasterMarluxia
    if only there was some code to take you back to the main menu. but i highly doubt there is. if there was the coders wouldv created it already. they probably had failures and crashes. anyways i found out some valuable information. first i turn goofy into a save point then saved into a room without a save point. when i load the file it's a blank room. blank rooms a PERECT for room mods.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. 778MasterMarluxia
    what i ment was you have to memorize a billion buttons just to do one badass combo.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  7. 778MasterMarluxia
    can someone give me thy code to replace attack with shoot. (the one you guys were talking about)
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. 778MasterMarluxia
    man and i just bought the japanese version. oh well i guess i will get this one as well.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. 778MasterMarluxia
    that would be have you have to mash a billion buttons just to do one combo.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  10. 778MasterMarluxia
    playstation 3 is fit and has a couple of titles for hardcore gamers but the true hardcore gaming system is the xbox 360. i still love the ps3 though.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  11. 778MasterMarluxia
    this video confuses me. i mean... does this mean the coders are working on some kickass codes we dont know about. if so that would be bad as in good.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  12. 778MasterMarluxia
    yes that's what i mean. the target mod has already been created i think. i saw some videos on youtube.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. 778MasterMarluxia
    so all you need to do to fight you allies is to first to replace them with a boss then use target mod? (im not being extremely discriptive but others know what im talking about)

    yes there is. just look back a few pages or so.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. 778MasterMarluxia
  15. 778MasterMarluxia
    haha poor jack thompson... im not serious.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 25, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. 778MasterMarluxia
  17. 778MasterMarluxia
    haha yes indeed it was the WRONG hex code i had. thank you ALLOT janime6.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. 778MasterMarluxia
  19. 778MasterMarluxia
    so i just place his hex code upon donald or goofy's data and he can be in my party? ive tried many times but it ended up crashing. maybe it was a wrong hex. could you give me the RIGHT one please.
    Post by: 778MasterMarluxia, Sep 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. 778MasterMarluxia