...do you have a bunk bed...
OOC-...how did you know...STALKER...just like me
dont be hatin pokemon and OMG I KNOW ITS SO AWSOME...but you know what would be better naruto...LETS GO TRY IT OUT...and i dont have a room so...can i put this in the kitchen hello their omg it lives...can someone keep him away from me
where are you on the apartments wheres the teacher
remember kids school is for fools, and thats all kids are! so run up those steps you money bags...hey...wait a sec i go to school to...WAIT FOR ME
hey guys im back and guess what i bought...A RAMEN MAKER 9000"as seen on t.v."isnt it cool
what are you people doing im my city
OOC- BIC- im goin out for some ramen
OCC-actually hes your sex slave...AND HE ENJOYS IT so guys what are we doing now
OOC-umm sorry i should have put OOC their so it was directed to you not your character HELP ME
im at the market wacko GET THIS THING AWAY FROM ME bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla WHAT ARE YOU SAYING bla bla bla bla bla HELP ME
oh well if i dont work for her i guess all her website fires are going byebye
i wont mess with another half demon like me reaper so you can just shut up, and i dont pay a thing cause i work for mira and stay for free...and she knows what will happen if she makes me mad
call me a rat again and ill snap your neck
riolus here WHERE WHERE WHERE ARE YOU MY SON..."looks around"you liar riolus not here
wheres reaper when i need him and then i looked back and you were gone lucario where did you go why are you here
OOC-my sister gets me into the movies for free lol BIC-evil british stalker magicarp
oh no its him DONT STARE INTO HIS EYES OR LISTEN TO HIM hellow their old chum rather dashing day to be at the market, wouldnt you say so old bean hmmmm
you SO dont want to mess with me