!!!! O: I suck at Mugshots.. xDD Who do you liek in Sonic? :3 Why did youtube have to take down ALL the vids of Sonic X? :cryinganime: I gotta go to school soon >w>
I give you permission to jump on mah head cause I know school has started and I may not see you sometimes ;~; BUT I ISH GOOD.. My group got told off todai for throwin around a ball 8D ..-Nomz a cookie- Want a cookie Roxas? [EDIT] -Throws around cookies- Night pepz, Gotta go <3
Squeeeee!! x333 -Tackle Glomps- Lolhai :3
Yea.. ;~; It SUCKS! I mean, Sega wouldnt go round taking ALL vids off Youtube! Its how they get people into their show =\ TEH INTERNETZ
ARRRRRRRRRR I HATE YOOOUUTTUUBBBEEE ....Waa ;~; It took down ALL the videos of Sonic X!! Dx
Lol. :P I was re-watching it cause I hadnt watched it in Forever ;~; Tails is awesome :3 But I swear, Amy's voice is familier :sideways: ...To um.. Veoh or something! O_O
It deleted all the Sonic X episodes "Due to Violation" ....Dammit, I was watching those ;~;
Id go with you but Im with Near.. You could ask Amber? o3o Omfg, If DF was in this, it would be Evil DF and DF... ....Thats so cute imagining them Caramelldansin~
'Kay! Thats what I meant when I said "Shinigam-ish clothes" xDDD ... So yesh :3
-CaramellDansens with Near- Lol~ Well, We are paired off. Gwen can do teh Near and Remmis Caramelldansen nao :3
Yes! I always call you Near :3 YOU IS MY NEAR <.> No one saw that. Yea, But I call you Near cause I can.. 8DD So umm.. Wanna Caramelldansen together? xDDD
...xD Viva la Vida Tiem? Should I make some moar mugshots of Jemxia? (Even though I phailz at Mugshotz 8D) DF DF DF DF ARE YOU GONNA GO TEH KH-V CARAMELLDANSEN?? I can soo imagine you doing a caramelldansen and its cute the way I imgaine it x33333 Sooo.. ARE YOU? 8DD
Can I be in thiss? If its ok can I be next to Near? Cause Near ish mah friend >w> Lol! If its ok with CG xD I could be wearing Shinigami-ish clothes.. xDD If you cant do Shinigami clothes, just do meh in a black top and jeanz or somethinngg >w>
Why am I here yet again? Yay For insomnia and almost falling asleep in class? 8DD Omfg! Invisitext!! 8DDD OH MAH GAWD! More Invisitext :P Lol.. Random things.. <.<
This is SOOO not a post <3
@_@ -Stares at Evil DF's eyes-
Sonic X, Episode 77 - 78. Ive never seen Tails cry so much ;.; xD I liek Tailz.. He be mah favourite Character.. Anywho~ I gotta Fly.. Catch you later~
>_> <_< O_O It is. It was an uber Sonic and Shadow Beam. Super Sonic AND Super Shadow was Fired at teh Planet! 8D NO VIOLENCE HERE KIDZ <3 But Srsly.. ....It was like.. freaking depressing..
...Freaking hell.. It was in Sonic X where Tails had to Fire at this planet and save the world, but Cosmo, his friend was there... Tails HAD to fire and Kill Cosmo.. And he was crying and then he fired.. Cosmo was a flower girl you could say.. And she is still "Alive" but "one with nature" I guess you could call it... It was so sad ;~; And then Sonic came back and he was liek: "I couldnt find Cosmo but I found this seed" and Tailz walks up to Sonic ans starts crying again and says: No.. she was my friend.. .. Th..This is so Unfair, She CANT be gone.. Its Freaking Sad .......;________________;
................I feel so stupid right now ;~; But yea, I ish not crying anymoar :3 -Head Desks- Im not saying what show. You'll think im stupid