OOC: Yay for epic battles
ok its says "my partial draft of Midnight Sun was illegally posted on the Internet " ok well thats not all of it!!! Meyer is being so stupid, this is great! if anything its going to make people want it more because they got a taste of it. Yeah I'd be pissed if it was done without my permission too but still
whoot i love it lol
OOC: stop being so dramatic lol you know you can always jump in currently Reon (Kades older insane brother) has decided to join Telren. Kade and Xeal have been doing Dragon stuff lol and well Zepharus got brought back to life and yeah thats about it.
OOC: Like were gonna say no lol welcome back
Kade nodded and walked over to the table Xeal pointed to and began mixing everything in the various bowls into a larger one.
"Yeah, Kade: The Shadow Alchemist," Kade replied to Xeal's question.
"Well if we all get destroyed then I'm blaming you," Kade smiled at Xeal as she walked over to the computer and watched him work
"Let's just hope its enough," Kade said under her breath as she looked out the window. 'C'mon sis, you cant get me!" a little Reon laughed as a younger Kade ran behind him. Little Kade ran faster but tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground. Little Reon stopped running and went back to help her up, "Why are you so clumsy?" A few years later Reon and Kade were training with their wooden swords. "Why do you keep trying? You'll never beat me," Reon challenged as he drove his wooden sword into Kade's stomach. Kade fell to the ground and Reon walked closer to her, Kade pushed herself up off the ground and head butted Reon in the stomach, knocking him to the ground. "Looks like I just did," Kade huffed as she held her arm around her stomach. Reon glared at her from the ground. "Dont worry, your brother's toast, he doesn't stand a chance," Zepharus stated, being brought back to life had made him more optimistic about jsut about everything.
ok i just thought id thank you for the ones youve made so far
Zepharus let out a whistle, "Wow. Well if we cant get anything done in here we might as well turn ourselves in." "Xeal, if we cant create a heart, what will we do than? I mean we're going to need a back up plan," Kade mentioned, she knew how strong her brother was. It was going to take more than the three of them to defeat him.
Thanks again for the cards!
"I dont know much about manufactoring hearts but I trust you Xeal," Kade smiled and walked through the portal, Zepharus at her side.
I got class ill be back at 3 though thanks for makign the cards!!
"That's always a possibility, we'll see what fate will bring us for the moment. Then we will go after Kingdom Hearts," kade nodded, agreeing with Xeal. "Besides two Dragons are better than one," Zepharus laughed happily.
yay these are really kool, you have just made my day lol. im going out any buying cars dtock and printing these out lol
"I dont want to fight him now, we'll wait till we're stronger. With Yeifou gone theres not much we can do at the moment," Kade sighed, it would be so much easier with more of the members around instead of going off on their own. Maybe Salix was right, no one was around anymore. They had lsot all their power and glory when the Organization started.
"He left me and our Master to die at the hands of the Knights, does that tell you anythign about him?" Kade asked in somewhat of a bad mood because of Reon's sudden appearance. "Zepharus, you ready to fight again?" "You bet, being stuck in that tattoo's left me a little sore but I'll be fine," Zepharus smiled, reayd to get back in the action.
I love you lol ^^
OOC: ohhhhh ok lol thats really cool actually. BIC: "Good luck with that," Reon bowed his head. "Now if you'll excuse me I must be on my way." Reon threw something onto the ground that burst into flames and smoke. Once the air cleared it away he and Yugure were no where to be seen. "This isnt good, I'd pick Telren over my brother anyday," Kade mumbled.