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  1. Pistol Schoolboy
    Yes, we do have reviews and recommendations.

    And, why, I'd be happy if you could help out.

    Once I get the photography and the graphic design all figured out, then, if you don't mind, you can help be our lead graphic designer. :3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  2. Pistol Schoolboy

    Technicolor Magazine
    'If you are into anything from our millenium,
    Then we could be of some assistance'

    Previously titled "AMSKY", but eventually changed.

    Well, this is all about the magazine idea, and the opinion you, here at KHV, have on it. Below, I will list what is contained in this magazine, and extra little details that might be ... uh ... useful?​

    What Is In TM?

    - 13 pages of informational, yet actually useful news on:
    • Music
    • Fashion
    • Technology
    • Rumors and Gossip To Put Down, Or Keep Expecting
    • Video Gaming

    - Introductions to myself, and the team and crew behind the magazine itself.
    - Occasional interviews with the most awesome in music of Las Vegas.

    How did TM start and how was it created?

    Actually, Technicolor Magazine hasn't started yet, but will arrive sometime soon online, and to my school. Running up for $5 an issue. But how it started, was rather simple, but strange in its own way.

    Basically, our school, the ever so lovely Shadow Ridge High School <insert sarcasm>, is really really[/i] fucking boring, of course. And being as out going as I try to be, I thought it would be awesome to start a magazine that tells the school "at least we made something not made by 30 something year old teachers and staff that have absolutely no current vocabulary or sense of true, honest humor."

    That was a mouthful.

    And so, I collected around a few friends, got some software installed, and the ideas and pages are in progress. Talked with the school to have it released, and it plans to be released for sale every Thursday. Whatever. At least we actually got it legit, that's what really matters. Lots of work gone down the shitter? No thank you.


    Yeah. We plan to make a website which can display the pages for those who don't go to our school, of course. And obviously, it's free.

    Basically, that's all I can think of that needs real discussion about.

    Now then, what are your ideas on it? Any ideas of your own?
    Any personal question you want answered? Of course, I'll answer them the best I can.

    Expect the first magazine to hopefully arrive by Thursday, September 18th.

    Thank you for your time. <3​
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 15, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Pistol Schoolboy

    For Jerome


    This is what happens when boredom comes knocking at your door. And then he brings a friend named "Idea".

    Well, I got extremely bored, and realized that I wanted to make a present for somebody. Which, might I add, is for someone who I haven't given a present to in forever. Jerome. Or, as you may know, Trigger ... or Royale.

    Anyway, sorry for the shit decent quality. Tried to record anyway I could, ya know.

    So, anyways, hope you enjoy my song "Happiness Through And Out". You can listen to it on iMeem, and on YouTube. And hopefully soon, on MySpace.

    By the way, there isn't any singing -- for now. >:3

    And credit goes to Hissora for letting me use one of her amazing photography images for the EP cover. Thanks bunches. <3

    YouTube Link. :D
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 15, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  4. Pistol Schoolboy
  5. Pistol Schoolboy
  6. Pistol Schoolboy

    If you witness any shortness of breath, or coughing, please contact your doc -- (shot.)

    Anywho ...​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Pistol Schoolboy

    Why, I'm doing just amazing.

    I live in the middle of the desert, and it is actually nice outside for once in forever.

    But how about you, Orange? How are you doing? :3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Pistol Schoolboy

    Las Vegas

    Las Vegas

    Lights flicker like a broken headlight upon an expensive sedan.
    Rainbow results to seizure.
    Fashion of importance, and sex smells like perfume.
    Lottery through machines,
    Youth abandoned from the good, yet horrible life.

    Break the windows,
    Kill the bartender,
    Find yourself lost in an overdose of alcohol.
    The sun burns your skin,
    Along with your life.

    Burn holes in your pants,
    But right before some random stranger tips them off.
    Peachy? More like sour.
    Walk on concrete, and all you see is either success.
    Or just plain death.

    Girls killed off streets,
    Posers crowd the social community.
    Sickening, be yourself.
    Unfortunately, with riches of skyscrapers,
    Blend in, and find yourself in blenders.

    Slim to none,
    And slim just went home.
    Whore out the money,
    Meet the bitch that slashes you,
    Both literally, and financially.
    Trust is disintegrated.

    Forensics prove nothing, but your own sickness.
    Terror of amateur mafia.
    Own a gun, get owned by a knife.
    Death is all I smell.
    Right beside the cheap cologne,
    And the kill of day.​
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Pistol Schoolboy


    I know, right?

    Added you, by the way.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Pistol Schoolboy



    Awesome as a frickin' possum.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pistol Schoolboy
    Wait ... isn't that the funniest death of No More Heroes in your signature? Cx​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Pistol Schoolboy

    I officially am scared never trusting you with links again.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Pistol Schoolboy
    Kissed a boy and you loved it?​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Pistol Schoolboy
    That's #2 for ya.

    I miss Shinobu, thoooough. >:​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Pistol Schoolboy

    LC's Reviews
    No More Heroes for the Nintendo Wii

    Skyler's Personal Favorite Game of 2008

    Being the direct spoof of your usual, everyday cliches in video gaming and geek pop culture, this game deserves a special review due to the fact that this game is damn right amazing. The makers behind the Killer series are back again with a fantastic game for the Nintendo Wii that will surely bring back some Kill Bill memories back in place.

    The entire concept of this game is to go through ten enemies who claim themselves as being the top ten assassins of an organization called the United Assassins Association. Or the UAA, for short. You are approached by a woman named Silvia who informs you about this UAA when you buy her a drink, flat broke in a bar.

    Riding on your enormous motorcycle, the Schpeltiger, you approach all of these assassins to reclaim your title as the greatest assassin of them all. But the only problem is, you're flat broke, and have no job.

    Simply, this brings back some good memories of amazing games and pop culture movies. It's like Star Wars, Kill Bill, an M. Night movie, some California, and finally, hit it with some Japanese yakuza feel to it, and you've got yourself a game. Now, as I've told before, this is in fact a spoof game of all the cliches you see in everyday pop culture.

    The lightsaber you swing around mindlessly, being one of the biggest from the classic Star Wars. And then, smack the person who loves all of it, as the main character, the otaku badass.

    Now, when I picked up the game, I was never skeptical. I knew this game was going to kick ass. And already five minutes into the game, and I was completely drawn to it. All I could do was wait for the cutscene to be over, and the cutting and slicing to begin.

    And trust me, if you have ever seen an M. Night movie, you will laugh at the sudden twists this game has to offer. And the ending is tragically hilarious. Hopefully, we get the sequel to come out sooner than we think. And by the way, I recommend this game for all true The World Ends With You fans. You will fall in love with this game as fast as pedobear gets on Yotsuba.

    That's it for now. And hope you all enjoyed my review. Stay tuned next time for the review of the movie, The Transporter.
    Thread by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Pistol Schoolboy

    Still, "Beam Katana Chronicles" is an addictive song.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Pistol Schoolboy

    Pretty much.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Pistol Schoolboy

    One of the best songs from Rokkinpo Goroshi.

    Besides many others, like Houchou Hasami Cutter Knife Doso Kiri.

    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Pistol Schoolboy

    And you are still a lovely, huggly Cupcake. x3​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Pistol Schoolboy

    Um ... I do find Army of Darkness one of the greatest movies ever made.

    So, yeah. Army of Darkness.​
    Post by: Pistol Schoolboy, Sep 13, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media