Oh wow... A bear's head shooting out of it's body! O.O What show is this?
Yeah he used to come everyday until the crucification. Ever since, he just doesn't wanna come... -.-
At least ants didn't attack you during p.e. while playing baseball... T.T That happened to me today. The good thing is that I used it as an excuse to leave early! =D
Hmm... Oh! When I won 1000 just to write an essay about my parents. XP
O.o 15/ What I checked, female/ Florida.
I'm bored Like a parrot
You're not the only one! *pokes joined date* Being a prem is one of the tiny goals I have. That and making the biggest cake! :P
In Kingdom Hearts, DI durring the Heartless Swarm. In Kingdom Hearts 2, it's a tie between Port Royal, TWTNW, and Twighlight Town.
>.> <.< So scary!
XD So funny! Good thing I wasn't there! >> <<
O.O Just... Wow...
What I believe is that it had something to do with Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Terra had also said something related in K2FM+. Before you fight him he says "I can feel it, we have met before. It was when before... No... It is'nt you. It isn't you that I have chosen..." Found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxfx1BloMD0
14-15! :D Basically, 80% of kh-viders are in their teenage years...
I eat Dinner for breakfast, breakfast for lunch, and lunch for dinner! For example today, I ate pizza this mourning, ate pancakes for lunch, and now I'm making a sandwich! :3
There are more chickens out there in the sea! (Hate fish, using Chicken instead) A great way to recover is to try and forget about that crazy chicken that left you! :3
O.O Your avatar... Can't keep eyes off of it...
That happened to my street about a month ago. Some robber was running away from the police and was caught about a block away from my house. O.O
The first four minutes I was O__O. Heating that pizza took a while, did it? I totally agree with you. Me and my friends dress emo because it's comfortable, but many people think that we 'cut ourself'. The only cuts I get is when I slip on the floor and get a bruise or something. >.< Anyway, I love you for making that rant! ^3^ P.S.- Did the camera in the microwave melt or something? O.O
Aren't you lucky that your candy wife ish famous! She's on cartoon Network! O.O
March 16... The day before St. Patricks Day... No I'm not going to wear green!! >.<