rex putted the phone away ''so now i know where i can spend my money on'' said rex
rex sighed ''no problem'' said rex and took 1500 yen and gave it
''so what do i need to do to pay you'' said rex
''thanks, do i need to pay for it'' said rex taking the phone
''i need something to find hollows with, it's my first time in the human world'' said rex
rex entered the urahara shop ''uhm hello'' he said
rex runned to the urahara shop but stopped before it
rex saw the urahara shop ''funny a shop, well what shall i do pay it a visit or not'' said rex and jumped of the building and started to run
rex was still walking around the human world but didn't find a hollow ''man maybe i really have the navigate skills of captain kenpachi'' said rex and laughed and jumped on a building ''i hope something will happen soon'' said rex watching around
everytime i read a new chapter it's getting more interesting
rex stood up and watched to rakion ''don't touch me you fuilthy lizard'' said rex ''calm down rex, take your food and come to a table'' said fernando ''you're lucky lizard freak'' said rex and the 3 took some food and walked to a table and sat down ''oh i hate the most aliens'' said rex while eating some meat
''yeah yeah'' said rex and the 3 entered the cafeteria and waited by the place where the food was ''alright so what's the lunch for today'' said jerry and walked to where the food was '' i think the same you stupid head'' said rex and punched jerry in his back ''ouch you gonna pay for that, but not now'' said jerry ''both of u shut up'' said fernando
''you can go to the main room, or up stairs there are enough rooms for you guys to sleep, i'm going to the basement i need to feed my pokemon'' said rex and walked to the basement ''if you want then i'll help'' said dad ''no dad i don't need help with my pokemon'' said rex from out the basement ''k'' said dad OOC: dn't know a name for dad yet lol
''alright that german had some good weapons, lucky he had also hand grenades'' said jerry and sailed as fast he could and turned his head to the other two boats and then laughed ''man if they think they can capture a mercenarie like me then their stupid'' said jerry laughing
OOC: so the prisoners in their cell and the gaurds, gaurding them or am i wrong bic: rex, jerry and fernando came out of their cells waiting for inspection ''another day, another lunch time'' said fernando and sighed ''lucky for you, you just need oil'' said rex and also sighed ''i hope 2 certain gaurds are gaurding the lunch room'' said jerry with a happy face
the german boats where finaly by jerry's boat and one german came on the boat he walked to the place jerry was, jerry stood up and grabbed the german by his troath ''alright buddy, i'll take your weapons so don't complain'' said jerry and took the guns and other weapons the german got and trowed the german in the water the other german came to look but jerry had already the gun ready and shot the german soldier, the german soldier fell dead in the water and the othe germans started to shoot, jerry started to crouch to the controll chamber of the boat and started it and sailed fast away, to bad for him that the other 2 german boats started to follow him
while jerry was sailing he saw 3 german boats coming his way ''oh i hate those germans, well.....'' said jerry and felled his pockets ''oh damnit i lost my weapons,.......i've got a idea'' said jerry and layed down on the ground waitig for the german boats to come by
jerry came on the docks of a townand saw a boat ''ok let's see, there are no germans around, to bad though, oh well let's get that boat'' jerry said and crouched to the boat, when he came by the boat he jumped in it and started the boat and started to sail away
i hjope someone will join soon (and i think i make 2 gaurd) Username: overload Name: venus Age: 16 Race: half human half mutant (power unkown) Prisoner or Guard: gaurd (later in rp: prisoner) Other: lost his parents and lived with her brother until they got seperated, she became a criminal and became one of the best criminals, but got raised by a soldier/gaurd commander and became a soldier/gaurd herself, after she found out about 3 prisoners, she went to look, and gained a strange feeling by rex but also a crush on jerry Weapon: swords,daggers, her power and a lot of guns Appearance: Username: overload Name: elizebet Age: 18 Race: alien called rozardian Prisoner or Guard: gaurd Other: not much is known about her (only that she is befriended with venus and a crush hs on rex) Weapon: swords, chains summon tecniqeus Appearance:
rozardo heared the howl ''i need to get that assistent fast and i need to find rex'' said rozardo and putted his sword away and dissapeared into the ground