I hope so too. 8D Well, good luck on your first game. Glad to hear it's going well. ^^ Don't be scared. D:
I plan on getting a multislacking degree. You know, since I do it so well. 8D So, how are you?
That's 'cause NY is weird. xD
I'm multislacking right now. I should be studying for Spanish right now but I'm not. MULTISLACKING'S A WORD?! Dang it, I thought DP and I came up...
My day was all right; only flaw would have to be that my right arm and shoulder have been bothering me all day. lol, I put this in my profile....
Hello. ^^omgliekhi8D
Yessums. It's awesome. =D
Math B. Well, MathB4. ...it's weird. I hate NY. >.<
They're stationed in Rhode Island. I want to go there just to pass by their office. >> It's like Ghost hunters only they go to different...
Eh, I'm all right. Math's just giving me a headache.
That's good. ^^
Yes. TAPS. In other words "The Atlantic Paranormal Society." Destination Truth is an awesome show. =D
*tackleglomps* I've missed you so much! How are you? It's been so long since we last talked.
Meh, it's nothing really important. I posted it in DP's vm and I'm just too lazy to re-type it. You can check there. Like I said, I'm too lazy....
I'm all right, I guess...I could be better. How are you?
xD So, how are you?
Hello. ^^hihihihihihihi
...*leaves a box of cookies* >> *flees*
I just had bacon. 8D <---random fact Ghost Hunters is one of the best shows on Sci-Fi channel. It's basically a show that goes to help families,...
It's okay. xD