guys....i have a very bad problem. my parents are..really suspicious....of the people i talk to on the forum and MSN. and sometimes they start asking me...."who are you talking to?" and i answer "friends" because i only speak to school friends and KHV. and they are also suspicious of the forum, they dont know wo im talking to (the people of KHV) and they are telling me ,that they dont want to me talking with people they dont know, and that if they find out im speaking to someone they dont know....they will restrict me from using the internet. and, i dont know what to do....ive made friends here...really good friends. and i dont know how to explain what a forum is to my parents, and how can they understand im not talking to bad people. and i dont want to lie to them, but i dont know what to do. me.
im sorry guys. something unexpected came up. you see, my grandmother came back from florida. because she was feeling home sick, and now me , my sister, and my cousin will be going to her gigantic mansion like house. but there's no internet, so i might not be able to get on. so see you guys monday. does anyone like this song and video actually i love how this video is portrayed you?
umm, guys this is my first poem? , okay so please read it , and give me some Cnc... how are you feeling today? is that box treating you well? i was wondering if you remember. of, course you do , though today . i came to remind you, again. i brought these flowers, the ones you loved. now it seems so easy to tell you how i really feel. was it really that hard to understand how i felt? was it really that hard for you to listen to me.? i wonder where are your so called friends now do they come visit you often?. no, do they , am i the only one here now... i waited so long for you....i guess i should have done something. and when i finally tried, it was so late..... was it that hard for you to hold my hand as i so many times tried to held yours?. was it really that hard to, actually wait for my heart to reach you? was it really that hard for you to understand that i loved you? i would have waited for you, even if it took years. or i would have followed you. i was there in front of you why didnt you stop and hold me. the last time.....i saw you.....i..held back so much. i wanted to tell you....but you more than anyone knew..... that my heart belonged to you. and i was always there for you. we just realized it...too late. but, i hope wherever you are my tears reach your heart.
okay , i searched the forums for some codes , but i guess there a none so here, its kinda late , but for future reference these codes where hacked by pyriel on a side note where is he?, did he stop hacking, he was my favorite hacker because most of the games he hacked had character mods.
ive seen some user's who are not premium , but still have an different usertitle is this normal, and their post count isnt that high so..... how is this? anyone explain.
umm, im having a problem with my laptop its a gateway you see it wont turn on, and before that the charger was buggy and the computers, battery has no charge, so i suspect the charger is damaged but the thing is, i cant even turn on my computer to actually know, is there any way i can turn it on, without its default charger or with an external power source? even if its a method that doesnt turn it on for long, i just need to know if its the computer thats buggy or the charger.
umm, right now, after summer ends ill be a junior... the problem is i dont exactly know what i am going to study at university and i was wondering, if there are any good tips on how to choose your studies and your career any personal expiriences about it are good too.
you see, im in need to do some reading its been like a couple of months since i read a new book , do you recommend any .......ill tell you what kind of book im looking for well, i like fantasy, i read the sevenwaters triology(very good)needed a little more suspense ,but still very good i like mystery and suspense, thats preety much it , but i wanna read more!!!! any suggestions..........
i was thinking ,one morning i didnt have school ,but i still woke up early ,and like every time i wake up at 5 in the morning i was ,i turned on the television and started falling sleep,but still half guessing that the subconcious works when youre asleep, but in a state of half-sleep,as if seeping from reality,can dreams affect youre reality? because i felt i was dreaming ,and i saw someone strangilng me,but i coulnt move or talk(like in nightmares)but i was still half awake and it felt more real than a dream,almost real, but it turns out i accidentally had my cellphone charging in the sofa and it got wrapped around my neck and i was falling from the sofa so if i actually would have fallen i would have strangled myself............
in the video where Ven gets frozen, after aqua catches him, he still moves his eyes meaning he didnt die from getting frozen? if youre not shure just check the video and after she catches him they show his face and his eyes moving
ok, i made this thread because i need some codes for a gba game and no one in, everywhere i searched has made them:REQUIEREMENTS 1. A skilled GBA hacker 2.needs to have Final Fantasy Tactics Advance(or a method to actually hack the game) 3. the Advance hacking guide & the hero/clan name modifier guide for better understanding) pm if you are interested and i will tell you what codes need to be hacked thanks in advance P.S. i tried hacking this codes myself, but i failed miserably, so im asking here not because im lazy,its just beyond me
ok, im sure some people here must know how to sing right? ok so post videos or audo to hear your talent