k thanx for telling
The_One_Man7 can u tell me the code please oh and dead heart can u tell me how to make code
can u tell me which one of them is riku can defeat bosses while playing as him but dead heart rent there 4
so ur saying tht i should make 4 cheat with the same name but number it?
Mickey Finisher does anyone has a code for mickey to do a finisher thats the code to play as roxas boss ,man its long well i converted it to armax format and when i entered the whole code it said invalid action replay max code
oh well thanx anyway
hey evilman can u give me the code for quad-weilding sora
Special Mickey Im asikng this to the coders that can u guys make a mickey tht uses reaction command cause in KH2 when we die mickey comes to help us sometimes and at the command it says use the reaction command to power the drive gauge well whadya think?:)
hey can u tell me the code to add terra in our party please Thanx in advance
what do u play as riku hooded
Well The problem with me is tht one terra replaces donald and i have the all boss ally code after terra replaces donald when i try to leave a screen the game freezes can some body help oh well here it is Free Drive 2032F058 0A090964 Inf Drive Form 201A1BE0 C60001b8
so what does this code do
Need help with Mickey Hi can anyone tell me the code on playing as mickey with every attack he uses example:PEARL Please Reply
so did u think about it
k thanx but please do it quickly cause i want vids for making Music Videos of kingdom hearts
Well none of the file are downloading even other files beside deathspanks thanks Repliku thanks Repliku Please can someone atleast upload the cutscene and give me the links please
hey here the link on how to defeat twilight thorn i i defeated him in proud mode so heres the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52YEBrQG3yI
hi I jus wanted to tell that we cant download vids frm file front anymore because theres some problem in file front so please tell death spank to reupload the file at some else site like megaupload or media fire
-Edited- *Gives Eclipse a cookie*