Angel looked around and sighed saying, ''I dont live anywhere."
"Ohhhhhh...'' She said looking out the window. Koian was thinking deeply to herself.
Can i take Dragon of Earth? =] Name: Laxene Age: 14 Gender: Female Power?(few have them) :Unknown Weapon(s): 2 Long Katanas Homeland: Land of Earth Species: Human and a little Tree Elf History: Was born and raised by her Tree Elf mom and Human dad. When little she would run into the forests and climb trees. She was only 5 when they put the Dragon of Earth spirt into her. Her parents died in a fire when she was out playing in the forest. Apearence: Long blond hair, pale skin, green eyes, elf like ears, and is around 5'4. Dragon?: Dragon of Earth Other: She always carries a emerald in her pocket. Played By: ~Larxene_43
Angel lowered closer to the ground and said to Zen, "I got lost..." She was lying a little. "So wheres Elaine...?" She asked looking around.
Koian stoped petting on of her beasts by her. It jumped off landing by the others safely. Koian herself spun out her 2 katanas. The blades turned purple when they got completely out.
"Yeah! And i even downloaded some extra songs for you." She said non-suspisiously also. Koian stuck the note into her pocket and sat down. "Wheres your room mate?" She asked looking around.
Angel saw something in the distance. She couldny make it out but she knew it was Zen. "Zen!'' She shouted at him. Angel wasgettign closer to it.
Koian glanced up from the note when she was done readying it. She gave him a look saying like 'Ok' or something. Koian walked in silently and placed the apple basket on the table. She toke out the disk and gave it to him. "Heres your Music i downloaded for you." SHe said not really loud but not suspicious.
.looC ?taehc uoy od woH
.drah skool tI
III D= Meany
why u guys talking backwards? o.O
Angel got stressed out about not knowing where to go, she shouted loudly, "ZEN!!!!!!!!" She waited and hoped he heared her. Angel let her wings out and flew up. She was scaning the ground looking for something.
What? 8D xD
lol xD ♪the connection is bad for youtube right now for me♪
>:O Is a kh fan ♪☆◎△◇□○»«
Posting on the wii is hard! im doing it right now.
Is not a Pirate King =]
Im good =3 And is it just me or has RoH gone down hill... ._. Here! I made a chart. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5......................./ ......................../ 4....../.............../ ...... /.............../ 3.... /.............../ ...../................/ 2.../................/ ..../................/ 1../................/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ / = Number of people in it at begining / = Number of people now
They have comfirmed that her real name is Shion