Forgot I could come back today.
needs a better connection source.
I now have 900 posts D: i dislike this mod thing, makes me post outside here more.
That may have been the most perfect thing i've ever seen in my existance. If i could remember how to i'd probably cry T.T
Is awesome, go watch now if you haven't. I know how im wasting today =D
He's just so awesome he deserves his own thread.
Motivation is that you love her, ready?.... GO Demo of the game to the right of screen. I must say it looks pretty damn entertaining.
.....Who are you? *shifty eyes* supposedly Jellybeing, but i have a poor memory, the name is vague at best T_T
Here's that 2 bucks you wanted, that thread made me lol so hard you deserve it. Awesome.
Has just warped my innocent little mind.
Well I stayed up all night completing the game last night (hence my absense to the site) and I must say I rather enjoyed it, I found the ability to flip into 3D a nice addition to the series, I myself sadly never played the original paper mario but I do have the GC game and I liked it so. The game I must admit had it's failing points, the monotonous running through doors fighting 20 vassals of chapter 6 seemed like a sad excuse to run the game on a bit longer, also the part in chapter 2 where you must gather an unreasonable ammount of money (yes i know you only need 10,100, but it's still annoying ammount) The game was overall a nice addition to the series but I would call it one of the weaker mario games, the removal of the turn based fighting gave the game a nice sense of mario nostalga, but it made the fighting over all far too easy. It's random moments such as fighting the 3 headed chomp which turned into something from a FF game type of battle, and the quirky moments during fort francis where Peach is placed in a dating program where rather lulzy, but overall I feel Paper mario is a branch of Mario that has reached it's end, the designers seemed short on ideas for this game and introduced factors that i mentioned above to lengthen it's gameplay. I would recommend it though to anyone with a wii, it's still ejoyable. What are your thoughts on the game?
What's the correct order to watch Haruhi in? I've never seen it so i thought i'd stay up all night watching the 14 episodes but i know there's a specific order you watch them in for it to make proper sense. Cin knows but he's been dead.
(scenario)me and my friend where in town and he was buying a game, he had half the money in notes and the other half in coins Him: ok hang on i just wanna make sure i have enough *takes out massive handful of coins and notes which don't add up to that much, just there is a lot*'re gonna count it all out? Him: Yeah why not? Me: you sure you can count to such a high number? Him: Screw you >.> Me: well I'll be here to assist Him: Let's see £15 in notes, the rest mostly in £1 coins so £16,17,18,19,20,21,22,21 Me: 23! Him:....AWW **** >.> damnit Craig you threw me off, like the time i said i was a better speller than you so you told me to spell out Teacher and i went "Techar" >.> Me: ....*there were no words as i was gasping for air at this point from laughter* Ahh fun times in town.
n ths thrd vrythng y tp mst b dvd f vwls s hw lng y gys cn kp ths p bfr smn snps nd kls ll
Why is Donny Osmand spazzing out in the background to White n' Nerdy?
Hurt my spine. I admit lol'ing
You never said it was your birthday today...even though im like 5 hours ahead of you. Happy birthday Riot Bro