having a good day.
I like it. I can see what you were trying to do there. You need more contrasting though so it all doesnt just get whited out. And like Ghetto said, a few effects on the right would help too. Nice to see you're progressing though~
I played it. I especially like the second one, its alot of fun~ Assassin Cross ftw :3
I did them out of order cause I liked the funeral one more, so I just did that one first~
Dur ~
Alright xD.
Miele's hair is naturally that awesome O3O
Whats happening in heeere?
Those new glasses are epic win. Cuteness levels +10
Oh snap o3o
*waits for madi to say something stupid*
I will call you squishy and I will hug you o3o
First person was TCO Second person was Roxma Third person was you The psycho was Xidon Osaka then explored elevators and escalators.
Darn those whores. And you were in it too o:
The earliest FF's were on the nes, snes, and etc first. It didnt become purely playstation till FF7 Those games originated from Squaresoft and Square-Enix respectively. Sony just makes the systems.
K a i r i is really hot.
All psychos are named patrick, dur.
The boxy one :3
No, horrible D; Philosophy included.