*saved* *bitten again* werewolf? vampire? *stumbles* Can a Tiger like me even turn into those things..?
*struggles* am i ok? oh noes i can't become a vampire!
*gets bitten* tsk tsk! *throws you into sunlight* jk jk lol ;)
ah, right. sorry HoD lol. ?! where did he go? he dissapeared in teh shadows! *looks*
Hm. No restarting? (lol) But even with all of the tough decisions that come with this, and the downsides, I think I would do it. It would be such an adventure.
Comforting hugs for these sad people..*hug*
I listen to almost anything, but I'm a Rocker all the way. Nothin better :)
Lol it's basically anything now. supah high fives for you and HoD
Whoa we have an ice cream shop? Cookies and Cream please!!
dont apologize, i don't think it was something completely against ya ;)
Lol. That is a great piece of advice. :glomp:
Of course! Cuz u iz SUPAH AWESOME :glomp:
:glomp: for the cool siggy ris!
The first vd was amazing. And all of the videos were really well done. Nice picks.
This is pretty good. The arms seem a little small, but maybe that's just me. I'd like to see the finished product :)
Ok, so it took me awhile to read this whole thing, and I have to say I like it. Sure I say that about a lot of things, but this sticks out to me. The basis of the story is impressive, character development is well drawn out, and your use of words is amazing. I hope a lot of people read this story. Keep it up and enjoy writing it
super aweseme high five, double twist on the side omg does that rhyme?! ha jeez..
:D I love all of your songs. The choruses alway get me lol. I wish I could here this to music and all.
:glomp:+:glomp:= my major glompage!
*can't fly* *isn't a ninja* *looks around frantically for someone to reach* so i can :glomp: lol