Dude, you've improved so much since the last time I've seen your work (which was a while ago). I simply love it. The third one is definately the best. The colors are great and it just works so well. The only thing I don't like is the hood (I think it's a hood) on Shiki's vest. It looks a little too big, and it also appears as if Shiki's hair is going in the vest then coming out. That's the only thing that bothers me really; everything else looks great. Better than anything I can do. Good job. ^^
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. xD That was great; I loved it. DP is awesome~
Heh. I wish my laptop was a tablet. D: It says that I can if I had the attachment...which I don't. >.<
Yeah, it's always great to make new friends. ^^
I miss my friends. D:
I have a few more.
That's pretty cool.
Really? That's cool. ^^
Why is the site so spazzy today? D:
Ouch. D: 'Kay. ^^
Wow. xD Why can't you play?
xDD 8D HI! How are you?
O.o Okay .xDD Pfft, I do that all the time. Peace! ...yeah, I'm random today. I only got 4 hours of sleep. ^^;
It sounds interesting. ^^ I like you avatar. =D
What's that? Oh, and I think I'm going to get Okami the next time I go to Wal*Mart. =D
Anyone on?
Trust me, if I survived, you'll be able to.
You'll survive, don't worry. xD
High school is rather interesting...
I have no idea. I'm bored. -.-