Too bad I don't have any string cheese. D:
Scares you sometimes, doesn't it?
Aren't you guys lucky? o3o Strange phenomena such as same birthdays are always interesting.
But, I, Conclude, never wants your voice to end. And when the time ever is needed, then at least I'm in your arms. <3
Haha, you guys make me want to go shopping for clothes while eating cheese. xD
Those are some sexy clothes, though. O:
My word, you always leave me speechless at the greatest of times. Now then, shall the gripping of our smooth sheets, and the connection of thin, pink lips commence? I'm tired to resisting myself from ever having to be away from our ... rather alluring connection. I'm sure that it could be possible, but whenever hearing the lullaby of the tone of your voice, I'm going to lose all control of my being. But to an extent, where I can control myself to a sexual, loving point of exception. Now, my darling, shall we kiss?
Shall we act out our desire as well? I don't think resisting the pulses of love for you is very healthy, and as shinigami say, apples make all the gods the more superior. ;D But will my member be the same for you? I hope so. Because I sure as hell know your embraces and further doings, make all the seductive feelings of greatness shine through my heart.
Conclude is attracted to this jamfest. ;D Luckfully, jam is the strong victor.
Oh, Rose, you should know that the word that better explains this all is better known at "beautiful". After all, I can't resist but think of how incredible your sexual embrace is. Of course, let's not go too farr about our interactions, in front of a site like this.
We are Corporation ChounouRyoku. Conclude, and Rose, we are the massacre of ungodly treason to society. We will diminish what is left of the black ashes of crime across Japan. And lastly, we. are. gods.
Quoted for honest truth.
It's always my pleasure. <33 I'm glad you <333333333 it, really, I am. The least I can do for someone of your caliber, Hikaru.
Jelly and jam always conquer over the mighty sticky, deliciousness that is peanut and the butter.
You don't know how glad I am to be your friend, and in return, I created a belated birthday present in return. I love you like the sister I know I could never find, and this is for you. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a great life and hope you had a great birthday.
You lawl at anything. >>; No offense, but for real. :3 "Big Wac" would even make you lawl. ._. Oh my, this did help. Mind if I hug back? (Hugs back.)
Wait ... I didn't see that earlier. O: Oh god, I am an non-observant idiot. (headfridge.)
Funny, I had this conversation earlier with a few friends. We made fun of the fact that when we watched A.D. Police, the Japanese McDonalds had a "W" instead of an "M". And so, we alll laughed at "Big Wac".
Might as well close the topic. xD
o___o was the expression on my face when I saw that.