Lestat sat up, letting Edward be. He rang the bell for service and waited by the door patiently. God help whomever answers that,Lestat smiled to himself, straightening his collar and his curly, blonde hair. Not much of a hunt, but it will be entertaining...
Calm yourself, Edward, Lestat soothed as Edward climbed the stairs. Don't be rash... speak with her first. I was not there; I only heard. I'm off to eat...
You're not going to like this, Lestat began. He was lying in his own tavern room he had rented, just above the barroom. There's a stupid hunter out there, almost as dumb as your legendary Van Helsing. It almost got them... Hannah and Beatrice. Don't explode, he cautioned strongly, breaking Edward's mind again with his harsh, shattering tone of voice. Wait for them to come to you... oh, he added with a grin. The hunter is a werewolf.
As you wish, Lestat sighed. I shall speak with Edward anyway. "Well, I'm off," Lestat said to Will. "No offense, but I hunt alone and I don't share."
"Oh, I shall," Lestat grinned, slowing now they had reach the town. John, I'm off to eat. Don't do anything too rash without me holding back the boy, he sent to the other vampire quickly.
"Not much," Lestat grinned. "Christ!" he swore suddenly, moving faster. "I really need something to eat... there is no fine Creole blood here, though... I can settle for what I can find."
"Ah, I see," Lestat replied. "That's interesting..."
"And what common interest is that?" Lestat asked. "A girl?" Petty exersions, he laughed in his head.
Lestat cocked his head to the side slightly. "Oh really?" he began curiously. "Are you siding with the werewolf?"
"They're in love," Lestat shrugged pointedly at Will. "That's something John doesn't know how to counteract and probably never will. He can't handle the werewolf when he'll be fully angry and transformed, I can assure you that. But I can."
"Of course," Lestat agreed. "But they're close to the town they'll be stopping in. In a few hours I'm sure John will be wanting to see his girl... alone."
"Quite the hero, isn't he?" Lestat smirked, following John.
"Alright," Lestat sighed. "Oh, you're not going to like this," he added to John, "but that hunter driving your girl around is going to crash that thing from lack of sleep."
"If you wish," Lestat grinned. "I'm sure you have plenty of other things to do."
Yes, love, that's exactly it, Lestat mentally smiled at Beatrice, hearing his name. "That you will have to see to find out about," Lestat responded politely to Will.
"Good in terms of this generation and time?" Lestat repeated, thinking. "Well, I think that when someone owns something, that right should be respected, that t he rule of just killing evildoers is and always has been stupid, that making your own ends possible through any means isn't bad either. 'Good' is a very lose term in any generation considering it revolves around one's opinion and status."
Lestat frowned slightly. "That's hard to say," he began slowly. "I'm sure you'll be able to see through my actions."
Lestat chuckled to himself. "Oh, I can teach them many things. I am not that informed and full of knowledge of all the secrets of the immortals, but I can try to help those that are worthy... do some good for a change in this lifetime."
"Now?" Lestat smiled. "I have always enjoyed travel, going around to different parts of the world and exploring both the mortal and immortal beings there. I've met John a little before... we met up by chance. I seemed to have been entranced by this group here, and how each generation of new vampires over the decade had changed. Well, you would be able to really understand what I meant by the difference if I took the day or so to tell you Marius's story. The difference between a Roman vampire and an Elizabethan vampire and an 18th century vampire is amazing; not just abilities, but feelings and emtions and... dare I say it? Heart! I'm here now to show that the old Lestat (as I've been called and called myself) still exists and can show these newbies a thing or two."
"Apology accepted," Lestat muttered, crushing John a little harder against the tree before letting him go. "Well, what do you think, Will? I shall be more than happy to answer any other questions you have, about what I've said so far and what I haven't told in detail."