prolly organization 13 people against septhiroth. like axel,xemnas,and roxas
that malificent helped at the end of the game. but she still wanted revenge, or that you never got to battle her.
i chose jack skellington cuz i like his magic and hes my favorite character. i would of chose axel or auron but too many good choices
im kinda stuck on the sitar,axel's,and keybades. all of them pown
idk maybe she'll be rlly hard like that other one forgot her name *thinks* o i remember isnt it Larxene? ya i think she might be like her and i think the weapon will be a keyblade like terra's
i agree i just play it to talk to ppl
i was playing runescape and it made me wonder, what if there was a kingdom hearts game like runescape? you can make ur own character from different kh features idk i think it would be tight. and the weapons would be different ones from kh 1 and 2 like example:axels weapon,goofy's shield.
avvy:9/10 clouds tight sig:?
NSS:lots of love in ur life but cnt get anyone. Plan B:likes someone they like you and u dnt know wether to go out or not grindking:kinda not liking anyone right now. Volcom:likes someone they like you, just waiting for the right moment. Etnies:think a guy or girl is cute like them but they dnt like you
kinda what he said bout the slieghts, if u get megalixir u can reload those cards back, but just beat him witout using slieights i did
i hope marluxia is in it lol so is it like a game u can play as the org? cuz i havent heard bout it yet
probably cloud or septhiroth cuz im more of the strong one in my friends pack lol
ya i kinda thought that too lol but on the other hand i also thought maybe he doesnt remember tarzan =[
that deep jungle isnt in CoM i wonder why? sora visited there so it has to be in his mem.
wats OME? lol
i can make weird noises ppl think im a creatur if they dnt know its me
i just hate it when ppl do this to me
umm im 15 going 16 so how is that young love jw not being mean
i heard bout it on youtube and i am a kh fan like hecka
how is this wrong place i see ppl post this kind of stuff here all the time i just hope she doesnt like anyone else in cali