"He...He..." Mellody started once again, finding herself unable to finish and just clinging to Theory tightly, tears freely falling from her...
breathing roughly Mellody slowly calmed down, bursting into tears again almost immediantly, half formed words escaping her mouth "He... he was al-always... so... so..."
Melldoy gulped rather harshly, staring at theory as tears freely fell from her eyes, her face bunched up all she tried to hold it in, instead slapping Theory as hard as she could rather than breaking into tears again, breathing rather harshly as words silently came out of her, each one bearing it's own signifigance and warning... "I am a grown women... i will decide what's best for me..." and with that, she brokes into ears, no longer able to hold it in, or block it up with anger, collapsing off her bed onto the floor...
Mellody clung to the pillow, crying for a bit longer. A few moments passed as her world slowly destroyed itself from the inside, a she silently muttered somethign to herself through the pillow, her voice coming in coughs, and then, almost with a completly different atmosphere seemed to surround her as she turned towards Theory, her voice coming in breaths at first, and them moving onto a yell... "I... i'm Fine... I'm fine on my own! and what the hell did he ask you to do anyway?! no, better yet what the hell gives you the right?! just WHAT?! i don't care who you are, this is my business and mine only, i'll handle it my own way!"
Mellody tried to smile for a moment, failing uselessly as she shoved her face into her pillow, screaming loudly into it...
Mellody ignored her, allowing herself to be guided as she tried to wipe the tears away, an attempt that she found fruitless, as she half-dragged half-walked her feet towards her room, collapsing on her bed as soon as it was in reach...
Mellody bit her lip, harder then she ever had before, as her legs finally gave way, falling to the floor as the tears freely flew form her face, words forming but not coming out as she opened her mouth, hiccuping slightly.
"What do you want from me...?" Mellody asked darkly through deep breaths, tears freely escaping her by now...
Mellody swallowed, turning to Theory and smiling, a deep unsetting smile, as she once again, turned and walked off.
Mellody turned a corner quickly, breathing deeply as she forced the tears back, walking at a easier pace so that no one'd catch on that she was running.
Mellody breathed roughly for a moment, before speeding up in an attempt to lose her.
Mellody was obviously holding back tears now, removing the tisuse, and throwing it away as she walked out, thanking Theory as she did so...
biting down on the tisuse now, she simply shrugged, attempting to avoid answering...
Mellody grabbed the tissue in midair, holding it to her lip placidly.
Mellody sighed, biting down harder on her lip, only stopping when she started tasting blood, and decided to simply not reply even then...
Mellody bit her lip in the old fashiopn she used to, dismissing most of what Theory had said and simply replying "He'd taken more of a habit tp taunt people."
Mellody heard a sigh in and looked away slightly. "Still, Mello was kinda clueless even when he knew about the otrher ones feelings..."
Mellody' giggled slightly at the thought. "But Mello always tried to be diferent from Near, so it wouldn't surprise me if what happened was Near showed no interest, so Mello tried to, and thus the other boys followed... actually kinda sounds like the two of them."
"A little naive?" Melldoy asked, her curiousity piped at the slightest.
"Well, according to them they were simply hugging, but hugging can lead to alot more." Mellody shrugged.