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  1. Keyblade_Smokey
    "No of course not, I would never do that to someone so beautiful," Zepharus smiled back at Garxena as she got onto his back. "Now hold your breath." He ordered as he dove underwater.

    "Salix, long time no see! Whats going on with you?" Kade asked curiously

    "I'm here my lord," Ina called to Telren as she appeared as if coming up from the ground.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Keyblade_Smokey
    Zepharus turned around, "C'mon, get on my back. I'm a Dragon remember, I may not look it but I'm jsut asstrong in this body as I am when I'm a Dragon."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Keyblade_Smokey
    "C'mon lets head home, we've got a lot of work to do if we're going to defeat Telren," Kade smiled as she turned towards the portal she had made.

    Zepharus noticed Garxena on the shore line, "Hey what's wrong? The waters all warm and tostey, it'll make you feel better. Or am I jsut too good looking without my shirt on? Zepharus laughed."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Keyblade_Smokey
    "But its not your fault if Kyo dies its his for not letting go. Ive had my own kind die because of loyalty to me..... I lead a group of Dragons into the battle for a surprise attack but following my orders they were ambushed and that was the last i saw of them....." Zepharus blew fire from his mouth into the lake, heating up the water. Turning into his human form he pulled off his shirt and jumped into the water.

    Kade smiled at Yeifou, resting her ehad on his chest, "I love you so much."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Well if I comes down to it I can always breath some fire on him," Zepharus smiled back at Garxena. "Besides if Kyo cant get over that fact that you dont love him thats his problem." Zepharus descended through the clouds to a lake in the mountains and landed softly on the ground.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Yeah its like riding a bike as the human saying goes, you never forget. When Kade released me I couldnt fly much either.... being chained all those years you kinda loose your edge but now I'm almost back to what I used to be before the War of the Skies as my kind call it. And I'll be able to fight again and with and Alchemist on my back I'll be able to breath more then just fire," Zepharus thought outloud. "So fiar maiden have you decided what you plan to do about Salix and him?"
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Keyblade_Smokey
    "I know, you should have seen me when my parents put me and my brothers and sisters on their backs and flew us up here. I think I fell off actually," Zepharus smiled. "Thankfully we were all old enough to fly on our own if we needed too, though I must admit I wasnt any good at it."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Who said im bringing her back at all?" Zepharus joked as he took up into the skies with Garxena on his back. They cut through the clouds flying in them for a moment before coming up above them. "So, how do you like it up here?"
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Yeah sure. I love flying, it always makes me feel better and clears my head. Sure you dont want a free ride Dexeon?" Zepharus asked as he turned into his black dragon form.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Then I will for you, I am a dragon you know and we're not ones to go against," Zepharus smiled. "Now how about that ride in the sky? Dexeon, you coming too?"
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Keyblade_Smokey
    "It's not your fault, " Zepharus pulled Garxena to him and hugged her. "If he really does love you then he would want you to be happy. And if he does fade then it's because he couldnt stand you being happy with someone else not becuase you didnt choose him but becasue he cant let go of his anger for you leaving him to be with the one you love, not someone who was made to love you." Zepharus plet go of Garxena and put his hands on her shoulders. "He was made to love you, but that doesnt mean you were made to love him."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Keyblade_Smokey
    "You know what you need? A good old fashioned ride in the sky!" Zepharus smiled happily. "Serisouly though, if you love someone then that's all that hsould mattter..... I lost the one I loved in the battle that took my kind from their place in the sky.... I thought I would never be able to love again... and then she came..... and now I'm about to loose her too.... It's hard Garxena, to leave the one you love and I wont let you go through the pain that I went through..... I wont let anyone walk in the dark like that ever again."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Now now me fair maiden Garxena, we cant have you so distraught. What is the problem my lady," Zepharus asked sweetly as he kissed the top of Garxena's hand. ' I hope Dexeon doesnt kill me over this.... well try to kill me anyway.' Zepharus thought to himself.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Keyblade_Smokey
    "Yeah you probably did," Zepharus laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "Dont worry about it, I've had plenty of peopel try to kill me since then..... Kade and I arent exactly the safest people there are. We live pretty dangerously. So whats been up with you guys?"
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Keyblade_Smokey
    Zepharus heard the faint sound of voices in the distance, his curiosity overcoming him he flew off in that direction. Finally finding the nobodys to match the voices he landede softly on the ground. "Hey guys, remember me?" Zepharus smiled at Garxena and Dexeon.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Keyblade_Smokey
    OOC: Dont kill me just becuase id rather be warm and tostey on a cold winters night lol. I'm not saying i dont like Edward i just like Jacob more.

    BIC: Zepharus flew through the skies, as he searched for Telren. 'This is pointless, now that shes' got Yeifou back loving her she wont be as focused on our mission.... I cant let that happen..... Kade should be with me......... that is the fate of a Dragon and his Tamer' Turning back into his human form he fell from the sky and landed softly on the tree tops near the new headquartrers. 'I'll wait for them here.'
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Keyblade_Smokey
    OOC: please dont kill me but I'm Team Jacob and Werewolves...... *Hides in a secret location*

    BIC: Kade smiled up at Yeifou, "I love you." She rested her head on his chest breathing in his scent. She had missed him and she knew she was the one who had caused her pain. She had kept to herself, shutting everyone out except Zepharus, all in the hopes that Telren could be destroyed
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Keyblade_Smokey
    "I've missed you so much..... I've been so focused on destroying Telren.... I thought that would make you happy..... but I've hurt you so much....I'm sorry," kade's eyse started to become misty as she kissed her love anad other half.
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Keyblade_Smokey
    Kade smiled as she kissed Yeifou," You know me, I'm always careful." Kade stepped back and teleported to her old village in a small valley in the middle of the mountains. She walked into the inn and found her old friend, the only person who hadnt shunned her when she was a child other then her master. Quickly Kade explained the situation and the old lady agreed to watcch over the baby and protect him as if he were her own. Kade thanked her and teleported back to Memory Skyscraper, to Yeifou. "She said shse would protect him, I have faith in her."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Keyblade_Smokey
    "That's if there's an Organization in inherit. I'm sorry but I'm taking Kaden with me..... to my village, the one where I grew up. I'll leave him there.... mayeb then eh can have a life without Telren comign after him.... and then when Telren's gone, I'll go and get him and bring him back to the Organization. Yeifou please I know this doesnt sound like a good idea but if it'll keep him safe....." Kade looked down at the sleeping Kaden. "I just want him to be safe."
    Post by: Keyblade_Smokey, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home