DP has a different guy in her room every week.
I showed her my wenus before o:
Everyone ignore Cin's repost of a thread thats already been made before :3
Wow. Kitty is easily amused.
Your name isnt Orange :P And awesome picture. Very good work on the dress lol. Is a grape one next? :D
The japanese site's countdown has finally....counted down. http://www.square-enix.co.jp/ctds/ It's a little flash movie showing some of the people, places, and some of the moves in Chrono Trigger. Although considering that its all on one screen, it seems like it's just showing off the SNES Chrono Trigger shots. So yeah, I guess that doesnt really give us any new info at all. Here's hoping E3 has something~
No. Lightsabers that can cut through almost anything is cheap, but obviously they dont make it work that way in the game or else it'd be one sided.
Well duh, they've been saying it for the longest.
Well that sucks o:
He's huge <3
Damn I wish I was non-prem.
Problem solved, I told her 8D
Well the companies have already started the trash talking. There is just so fun in watching managers and developers bash other groups without anything to back themselves up with. I'll be looking to see what Nintendo has to offer this year. Im hoping its something really good. It has been 4 years since the DS was released though, so a hint of a new Handheld would be cool.
*start dramatic music and slow death*
*thrust thrust thrust soi soi soi*
I'd hit that.
Now that sounds awesome. I wonder if any other pokemon will be getting items like that.
Too literal? All from scratch and PS defaults. Except the font of course. All hail dafonts.com :D And that feeling that you're about to get probed? Dont worry, it'll happen soon enough.
Cupcake is so silly when she feigns ignorance~