Because I happen to like that name. And when I went to RuneScape For the first time (I hate it now), my dad offered me that name. I have stuck with it ever since.
This is my first video on youtube telling you guys how to speed up firefox.
Oh man, I can't wait any longer, just give us the codes! jk anyway, good luck with the project, and I hope I get to play as terra soon!
So, you want to make videogames. well, for starters, you need to know these things...... 1. It will take tons of hours out of your life. 2. You cannot give up on a project like this, once you have started. 3. You are going to have to try and try again. 4. Plan before you do. 5. And other things you think you should know for yourself 6. Not only listen to these 6 rules, but apply these 6 rules to your game making. are right where, so you will have to start somewhere. First you will need something to make games with. Here is a handfull a free game making software: -Game Maker (yoyo games) -RPG Maker -Game blender (somewhat in blender, don't know anything beyond that) -adventure maker -- use google to find others.... But yet, the best software isn't for free, and it might try a hand in programming, which is the one things that "seems" impossible, but it isn't. You can find really good turorials on programming, and I mean for every programming language. So here is a handful of Non-Free software (thats awsome!): -FPS Creator, FPS Creator x10 (I am getting FPS creator x10 for my birthday!) -DarkBasic, Dark Basic Professional, Dark GDK -X Quad Editor -Game Space Now, about Dark GDK...its free! The reason I put it in the Non-Free catagory was because it is the power of Dark basic with C++! So if you want Dark Basic, but you want to use C++, try it. There are also pure programming languages that can make games, such as C, C++, and others, just like DarkBasic, which is a programming language (though it "costs" something, argh!). If you are thinking that you can make games with Lua, Python, and (normal) Basic, then you are wrong, because those are scripting languages, which only help video game making by making scripts. Now I know that most of you don't want to go straight ahead of yourselves and start creating games from scratch. You can try "Modding" a game, or creating things for that game that involve an editor of sorts. Crysis, for example, has a level editor that allows you to control every aspect of a level that you create, from AI, to what goes on in the level, to how many barrels of deadly gasoline you want. Hey, You can create Giant chickens in your Crysis level (I found this out in a recent How to DIY gaming magazine, not to say that is what got me to start making this tutorial.)! Now, you are wondering probably, "How is this going to get me in the industry?". Well, take Counter Strike and Team Fortress. They started as mods for the original "Half Life", and then vavle accepted them into their "dominion" of games, so to speak, and released them as actual games! Now they are Counter Strike: Source and Team Fortress 2. If you want to know how you can mod, you can get the "Source SDK", which is available through "Steam" (Welcome to Steam) for free, and it can modify source related valve games, like "Portal" and "Half Life 2". You can import models, Make levels, and if you are really good, modify pacific aspects of it. Other games, like "Medievil II: Total War" and "Unreal Tournament III", plus the one I said; "Crysis", as well as a whole lot of others, have editors that come with the game. Some games, if you want to mod them, require you to download a editor from a pacific site, like "Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars". So, as always, there are tons of tutorials for each editor. So I hope you search these things using google or Dogpile, because you will need to in order to find the right tutorial for you and your video game making needs. See ya!
First you say don't expect anything, and now your saying be patient. Look, you and I BOTH KNOW that he isn't going to post, so just give up, because it is waisting your life. If you don't understand that time, I mean the time in YOUR life that you use carefully everyday, is nothing to be wasted, making it valuble to you, IS valuble to you, than I advise you to stop talking.
just to let the guys still waiting know... WE HAVE GIVEN UP!!!! we aren't doing this anymore, so someone close the thread down.
you guys are cruel. I seriesly just wanted to know. thanks. this is why I hated it here, and I still do. P.S- if it isn't available to the public, why do they have guides and wiki-guides on how to use them?
Where can i get the Unreal Engine 3? the CryEngine?
well I am glad I am back! I will be here to listen to the hacking tutorials!
this was cool! it brought back old memories from the first ever trailer of the game. disney castle ftw!
I know already.
wow.....I never seen kh-vids like that. how about on the day that kh-vids came out, on this year, we turn it back to the old forums for 1 day, then turn it back! that would be hard! anyway, glad I saw some of that past. thanks dude!
render - text - (on the top left) The king is quick, yet tamed... (on the bottom right) blacknumbers anything else - I just wanted a dark sprectre (ghostly) background. if you had a ghostly castle background, that would be cool. Not only that, but I wanted some cool looking designs in the background too, if you don't mind. finally, just use the mickey sign from the render, not the ENTIRE render. here is what I wanted!
sorry Chaser007, forgot to fill it out. but I don't want you to make a sig for my family anymore, just me; no one joined, and it died out. anyway, here is what I want: Render/Stock: Text: (on the top left) The king is quick, yet tamed... (on the bottom right) blacknumbers Anything else: I just wanted a dark sprectre (ghostly) background. if you had a ghostly castle background, that would be cool. Not only that, but I wanted some cool looking designs in the background too, if you don't mind.
Hey! I am back after a long trip to germany! (not literaly, just to a german site). anyway, where is the tutorial; I expected it to be here sooner than this.
lol, we already covered that evilman....
If you need social help, with anything, I am here to help. I might be thirteen, but let me tell you, I have a ton of expierence with stuff that people can't put up with everyday, plus I read about it. come on, let me help you out!
can you make me a sig for my family? it is called the memory chain gang!
don't say I am stupid for puting this here. misty said to put it here. I was wondering if you guys could make me a sprite for a family I just started! it is called the memory chain gang, ans here it is: check it out. can anyone make me a sig? EDIT: nv, my mistake! this thread is to be "locked"
I was wondering if you guys could make me a sprite for a family I just started! it is called the memory chain gang, ans here it is: check it out. can anyone make me a sig?