i think it should have at least follow the story line i hate games that do that go off somewhere else i think the keyblade wars should have sora,riku,roxas,kairi,etc in it
i think that she prolly just had malificent or something like that cast darkness on her but who knows she could be a ghost ahhhh lol
hey guys whats up lol just got back from sk8 competion
ya dude reflect is hecka helpful on septhiroth
probably not bet him once lost the file so had to start all over from beginning i also beat him on kh so ya
srry bout those choices i dnt know how to make more but ya i agree with ultima weapon and oathkeeper
what is the last place in riku's part
me too cuz i made a promise to someone b4 and still havent acomplished it yet
i think that oblivion is tight cuz i use it all the time
sephiroth all the way even though he makes me mad lol
Axel guys lets think bout this he basically helped u in kh2 and roxas tried to kill u come on lol
lol im sora and the only one lol jk
what keyblade do u think best suits you?
waz up peeps lol i dnt know what to do can someone help me?