*is glomped*oof!hi summer!your on late!and this is my last post for the night
Hi people!this will probably be my only post tonight,parents are leaving later then usual tomorrow,so just saying!
Get home!*glomps you to the ground*
nuthin much,just being bored
*falls*first glomp of the day
0_o....this family is becoming the way it used to again,just missing a few people
....im not gonna ask,anyways how is everyone?
no fair : (
im the only boy here
i feel out of place :P
*throws butcher knives at RA*
*knocks down door with eyes glowing red*Give me my COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*hides with cookies under couch*
*gets up again*will i ever get a break?...
"I'm no good at card games....period,i quit"said Trace,going to the couch and falling asleep
*gets up* *falls back down*
*is tackled*now im not XP
good : P ........................
youll be gone?aw man...