´´She was nice woman´´Vincent said and appeared on pole near his own house ´´How long was it?´´he asked himself and walked in and saw everything destroyed after his last lose of control. He slaughtered his own parents during it
my anni was 20.4 ´´Don´t worry, you see me for last time´´Vincent said and dissapeared in shadow ´´You will never again see me´´
surprised? ´´Of course. Girl, have you felt from sky?´´Victor asked and walked into class and sat on his usual place
i love you ´´Yes, and now i know who you are, you sit right in front of me´´Victor said and smiled a bit
i didn´t killed anybody, he is talking about his previous fight with Denithan Vincent sat in chair ´´I was wandering around city and i stopped in front of doors of this house, becouse i was too exhausted to continue. Your mum invited me in, even if i told her who i am´´he said and drunk a bit of water
well, you sure are evil ´´Of course you do. I never saw this reaction before. Mostly people start screaming, well, you sure are different´´Victor said and took camera and showed to her how they were talking
´´Of course i am. I don´t have any powers. Your mum went out to the market´´Vincent said and he wasn´t looking good ´´I don´t know what kind of blood he had, but it sure wasn´t tasty´´
´´It wasn´t a dream´´Victor said to Rori ´´All happened. Everybody thinks of same thing after one night´´
´´Lost your mother? Well, that is bad news. Too bad she had only 4 litres of blood´´Vincent said ´´As you can imagine, she left you´´
Victor took pills and fastly felt asleep and woke up as usual and walked to school as usual
´´Tic-tac, lost something?´´Vincent asked Ren ´´Lost can´t be saved´´he said and smiled evily
´´Well, time is flowing faster. Secret hour ended while ago, so i am going to sleep´´Victor said and saluted to her ´´See ya tommorow´´
´´Whatever´´Victor said calmly ´´I am asking one more time. What are you doing here?´´
´´I told you to turn around, but not that way´´Victor said ´´Nevermind, what are you doing here?´´
same freaky one
´´Can normal human do this?´´Victor asked her and put dark ball inside body of humanoid ´´Well, if you want, you can turn around, becouse she will explode´´
´´Your blood is cold as ice in my body, so it won´t hurt me. If you apologize me, i will suck you dry´´Vincent said and blood was coming faster
´´Great, now i must explain why i killed her. In this time, strange creatures come out and try to kill some people. Our job is to kill these people. And if you didn´t noticed, your friend wasn´t frozen and she has not-human shape´´Victor said
´´And also, i can suck blood from you even without touching you, so you can feel slow decrease of powers´´Vincent said and he was slowly loosing his energy
´´Well, you sure are a kid´´Victor said and walked away ´´Find me when you grow up´´he said and saluted to her