Hmm... I have loads of favourite fights! One that really stands out is the battle with Captain Hook in Neverland. Being able to fly was so cool, and it was probably the most fun battle in the game. I liked the battle with Maleficent (as a human) simply because it was so much easier than I had expected. I had actually been dreading it for ages (I was like 9 years old at the time! My KH skillz were nothing like they are now... Though I still really suck o.o) Finally beating Sephiroth was so great!! After like 50 tries!! I was like, "I seem to have soiled myself" (lol well not really, obviously!) But I did actually shout with happiness... Yeah I'm weird. I liked the Riku and Ansem battles too of course...
Kairi is such a shallow, one-dimensional character. You could accurately predict pretty much everything she says, with ease. It's like as if she tries to come across as a strong female character (like Yuna, Ashe, Dagger, Tifa etc etc) but she is in reality completely helpless, and relies on Sora to save her all the time. And God is she annoying. Like in KH II, in the Castle that Never Was, she goes to Riku "You know Sora's completely hopeless without us". I mean WTF you dumb b*tch, Sora got all the way to save her pretty much single handedly (cos Donald and Goofy are next to redundant in KHII) and the only reason he was there in the first place was because she had to go and get kidnapped, repeatedly. Plus the fact that she never technically helped Sora in the first place. GRRRR. I mean, come on, Namine is a much better character, and would make a much better lead. She's the kind of person you can actually care about (despite the fact that she's a Nobody etc.)
Cool! You can expect some auditions from me tomorrow... Thanks.
I'm hoping it's Riku... That would be really great. Unless the game continues until the 6 days of Twilight Town, in which case Axel would be the last... Actually scrap that last one. It ain't gonna happen, most likely.
Maybe this could be good news after all. SE could move development of the games to another platform, after all, which would hugely increase the chance that fans outside Japan could actually play them. Mobile games are a pretty ridiculous idea anyways, IMO. SE needs to stop neglecting US and European gamers. After all, there's far more people outside Japan than inside it, and we are as dedicated to these series as Japanese gamers.
I was just wondering, what if, after completing all three new KH games, Nomura decides to do a Final Mix edition, where he remakes all three games for a single console (PS3 would be great) and releases the three remakes as a limited edition box set or something? Maybe it's too far-fetched, but it would be so unbelievably great! Like Final Mix +++ or something! What are your opinions? (BTW Sorry if someone already mentioned this before)
Hmm... Well I'm guessing 358/2 Days won't be released until the Winter of this year... Meaning Birth By Sleep probably won't be released until early 2010 (maybe very late 2009, IF we're lucky). That basically means it'll be a very, very long wait for KH3. I'm guessing it would be 2013. You know how slow Square Enix are at making games! I mean, FF XII was released like 6 years after FF X... And there was a very huge gap between KHI and KHII. It's probably best not to be too optimistic about release dates. Games are rarely finished when you expect them to be.
Maybe it's like that system in Final Fantasy II. You know, where each time you take damage, your max HP goes up, and the more you use weapons, armour and magic, the stronger they get.
Ven! He reminds me of Roxas... Plus I really want to know why they look identical...
I'm pretty much certain there will be. The series is making Squeenix and Disney so much money they can't afford to just abandon it, not for a while anyway :yell: Which, as it happens, is good for us KH obsessives! I suppose Nomura wouldn't want the series to end either, considering all the work he's put into it.