You will be missed by the time..have fun in your trip! Hope to see you back! ^^
Hey!!! welcome to Kh-Vids!! remember these things: - Read and follow the rules - Post lots - Have fun! Hope to see you around! =D
Hello!! and welcome to Kh-Vids! remember these things: - Read and follow the rules - Spam only in the Spamzone - Stay active - Have fun! Welcome and hope you meet new people! =D
Well..uhm..I have summer school .__. buuut I can go out with my friends, play video games, go to the movies, the beach, the parks, paaaaarties XD, play the piano, talk in the cellphone alot aaand..I think that's about it..=)
R re ree reeeed RED! =D
McCookies :3
Hey!! welcome to kh-vids! remember: -Follow the rules -Spam alot in the Spamzone! -Stay active Hope you have fun! =)
I didn't get a chance to know Soku very well..but I acually feel the pain of losing a friend..because another friend of mine died today's sad really..T__T R.I.P Soku
Axel, Zexion, Larxene and Xemnas
God I wished I had blue eyes *-* xD
I'm more like Yuffie and Aerith ^^
OMG!! Cookies!! can I have one? =D pretty please?
Lol...McDonald's xD
Bla bla bla bla bla bla =3
HeroHeroine- Boys Like Girls :3 Yayzers
Hiii and welcome to kh-vids! ^^
Hii and welcome to kh-vids! remember to read the rules, post lots and stay active! :3
Hiiiiii everyone!! =D
Hiii and welcomez :3 remember to read the rules and stay active
Hi and welcomez to kh-vids! remember to read the rules, post lots and stay active hope to see ya around!