The Order Wins
^Scary!!! {Can't find the point key ): v vgfhjvvukvytc8 ifwsqúweedsmellsgo o ood sf m,w4nm ,.red, é4,.m wv5,.m6r7n7r./,m4e5e4,9td9 bte ,e4 3sw,ú4ws3,.,.;ó
*Uses Thundaga on Xert*
I live in floody England and I still love the rain, but I'm in the north-east so we don't get any floods, even at the coast....
Youre post count, dude.
That just sounded wrong... Xert won the last one. I WIN!!!
I am a moogle(Atleast somebody remembered), but I'm still "EVIL"
Mebe..... Have you ever witnessed primal fear(The flight or fight effect)?
I AM NOT EMO!!!, grr...
Back on topic, Are you on police record
I'm obsessed with DEATH. What can you amagine me looking like?
@ipeck; Yes. Do you believe in ghosts?
^-U(-o-)U <The Ørigin v Pfft.
????? Do you like sushi?
gf Have you ever been at a live concert?
Relates sephiroths darkness to riku.(sig)
^NO.(I lie) <Grah!!! v Square based final fantasy reject?