this is sorta like pans labyrinth Many years ago in another world,their was a princess named Moanna,she dreamed of the human world and one day,escaping her father,she and a few friends found the human world,but the sun blinded them and they forgot who they were and where they came from,one by one they fell ill and eventualy died,the king,Moanna's father knew they wold return,not now...another another place...inanother body... Now they have returned,but as teens getting away from a war.they got to a mill for saftey and find the labyrinth and the faun can they do the tasks and return to their true home? Name: True Name: gender: age: apperence: birth-mark: Name:Alicia True Name:Princess Moanna gender:female age:16 apperence: birth-mark:a moon on her right shoulder
so i figured these lot needed a holiday.... but to were? to Benidorm ofcourse! so they're gonna be there for the full two months... what fun! its the summer before they go into their 8th yr name: age: gender: apperence: parents: house: personality: name:Lyra Spinnett age:18 gender:female apperence: parents:lily and lewis spinnett house:gyrffindor personality: only a few months before Lyra had a son to her abusive ex boyfriend Zane josh,now she's happily with Casey,not that many people know ofcourse,they had kept it hush hush and only their closet mates knew,shes happy to be getting a holiday....better than being stuck at home... name:Jordan Spinnett age:16 gender:male apperence: parents:lily and lewis spinnett house:gryffindor personaliy:He is very protective of his older sister and younger sister,he continueiously fights with his younger brother,Kerian,but thats just what they do.he still smokes but is sort of cutting down... he doesnt like it when his mates look at his sister in away they shouldnt....he often uses the sentences "dont look at her like that' or 'Oi! thats my sister!' or " dude....looking at her like that....bad idea...'
somehow the muggle world found out about the magical one... now they're out to kill anyone whos magic....some have given up their powers some are fighting....who will win? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name:Cadey Black age:19 gender:female apperence: parents:cory and Sarah back(mum died in childbirth) Name:Marcus age:15 gender:male apperence: parents:Maddie and ??? Name:Roxanne age:16 gender:female apperence: parents:ronan and his girlfriend(ex) Name:Zane(only one i could think of lol) age:17 gender:male apperence: parents:zarrah and ??? (dont know lol ) Name:Scott age:15 gender:male apperence: parents:sophie and her boyfriend(ex) Name:sarah age:16 gender:female apperence: parents:Shawn and his ex wife
this is just something i thought up in school... PROLOGUE Jesica Andersons,a sixteen year old girl,with long brown hair and deep blue eyes,stood looking into the mirror above her sink.thoughts of two days ago flashed into her mind,her mother had died the week before,and on the day of the wake,she had gotten seriously drunk,her best friend Kyle McKay found her stumbling about,he had a drink too,but not as many as her,he had helped her up to her room,she could remeber what he had been saying to her jess...jessie...wake gotta stay awake alittle longer...come on... but i dont want to...' have have too... what happend after that was a blurr,only that yesterday,she had woken up next to him,she had been ill that day...but she had put that on the hang-over,but today...she was ill again....what was wrong? she sighed,she had one idea,she locked the door,and took the test out the cabinet,fifteen mintues later she was staring at a positive pregnancy test,biting her lip she put it in the pocket,planning to find her friends and tell them first..not Kyle yet....but what would she do?....she had always been told she would be the first to have a kid out of her friends...she slipped out the house and down the street. ------------------ welll that was the prolouge...hope you like it ^^
ok so its the 8th yr and everyones got the results from the NEWTS back,but theres a load of new teachers at the school...why? they seem so fimilair...why is that so...its because its some of the kids,grown up from the futre,ones with kids of their own.... but why are they here? join to find out! Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: birthdate: Name:Lyra Spinett age:18 gender:female apperence: parents:Lily and lewis spinett birthdate: 3/5/2000 jordans in too...can be botherd adding him right now lol....have fun!
Mark and Lyra left the sea and moved to port royal where the have lived with their children,until now... the city was attacked,and most were captuerd those who werent died....but lyra and marks kids,hid on their father ship,planning to get their parents back who were captured,but who took them? and why? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: Name;Cadey elizabeth lyra jasmin Sparrow age:16 gender:female apperence: parents:Mark and Lyra Name:Christopher 'chris' Underhills age:16 gender:male apperence: parents:unknown
the a parraelle world to our own,where everyone has powers,there are some who abuse this power... they attack a city,forcing the people to flee... they find a group of teens amoung the rubble,seemingly dead...they take them to a lab,to find out their power,but the teens awake,and they destroy the lab... the Mekolie,are the main bad guys,they learn these teens are a threat, they are the ancient gods,thats perished so long ago...they set out to capture them again but will they catch them,for the teens goal is to stop this evil once and for all... theres only 8 teens so...the rest can just be travelers or part of the Mekolie Name: age: gender: apperence: power: god within(you can make up your own gods) Name:Hazel age:18 gender;female apperence: power:invisibilty,force feilds,walks through walls,shoots energy from her hands god within:Kaikiawo god
after many 'accidents' due to Super heros,the government decided to make them all go into fifteen years later they are still amoung us.average citizans helping were they can,but when supers start to go missing,a group of teen supers go to the island they dissapperd on and have to fight for their lives...can they make it off alive? Name: super-hero name: age: gender: apperence: power: colour of supersuit: Name:Violet Mckay super-hero name:invisa-girl age:17 gender:female apperence: power:force feild,invisibility,walking through walls,shooting engery from her hands colour of supersuit: whiite and purple
so it been about twenty years after frodo left,he moved back with his two children,but when he finds out that the ring was never destoryed,he fears the worse,his daughter,ends up finding the ring,and it seems the enemy is on the hunt himself for it...frodo,his son and daughter and some of his friends.set out for the elves again,but the ring needs a bearer,and they cannot alow frodo to do his daughter takes it...can she destory it? Name:Roco baggins age:16 gender:male apperence: home:shire siblings:lorrawin parents:frodo baggins Name:Lorrawin age:15 gender:female apperence: home:shire siblings:Rocco parents:frodo baggins just use what i have for a sign up sheet
its just a normal year really,im making this cos the spain one everyones back at school and working 'hard' or most are. whats going to happen with the wilder parties,pregnant teens and smoking and drinking and exams and drug taking? join to find out! Name: age: gender: apperence: year: siblings: parents: Name:Cory Black age:19 gender:male apperence: yeah:9th siblings:Maddie,Will and Raymound. parents:Lyra and joe Name:Maddieline 'Maddie' Black age:16 gender:female apperence: year:6th siblings: Cory,Will and raymound parents:lyra and joe Name:William 'Will' Black age:14 gender:male apperence: year:4th siblings:Cory,Maddie and Raymound parents:lyra and joe Name:Raymound 'Ray' Black age:11 gender:male apperence: year: 1st siblings:Cory,Maddie and Will parents:lyra and joe Name:Ronan 'Ron' Spinett age:16 gender:male apperence: year:6th siblings:Zarrah parents:jordan and his ex-lisa Name:Zarrah 'Zarr' Spinett age:15 gender:female apperence: year:5th siblings:Ronan parents:jordan and his ex-lisa Name: Sophie Potter age:15 gender:female apperence: yeah:5th sibilings:jamei and river parents:alex potter and elle malfoy-long bottom Name: Shawn Potter age:15 gender:male apperence year:5th sibilings:jamei,sophie and river parents:alex potter and elle malfoy long-bottom
ONE year after stopping the person who was bringing the dark lord back,everyones getting back to normal some got married,some had kids and most got jobs. everything seems like its going ok so far...... but is it really? with the dramas of high school over,can everyone cope with jobs,marriage,parenthood and other things? will all stay welll? JOIN TO FIND OUT! Name: Lyra spinett age:20 gender:female apperence: children: Cory and shes pregnant history:her mother died last year,and lyra became pregnant with cory when she was 17,now three years on shes pregnant again,but not to corys father,he was killed by her brother.she is engaged to the babies father.she went out with her best friend,Casey malfoy for two years and they split up not long ago,she has the smalllest longing to be back with him again,but knows she cant and them breaking up with the best thing to the time... Name:Joesph Black age:20 gender:male apperence: children: step-son cory and his girlfriend is pregnant history:N/a Name:Jordan Spinett age:19 gender:male apperence; children: none yet.his wife is pregnant history:he got married two months after coming home,when he was younger and still in school,he smoked and was a bit of a alkie,he dosent drink alot anymore but still smokes,but is on his way to stopping. Name: Lisa Spinett age:20 gender:female apperence: children:none yet.shes pregnant history:N/a
in the year 2000 there was a mass break out of a diseas,and many died,two men had a idea to save their DNA and bring them back again,but as babies...they would emplant embreeos into women and nine months later everything would happen as normal...but these chlidren would be clones,but with no memory of before they came back,these men died,but not before they clond themselves, many years on they have lived,cloned and died seven times,each time teaching themselves what to grown up,there is a group of clones trying to stop the cloning they belive that we live,breed,and die,the world goes on...but these men dont like people getting pregnant naturaly,they like to do the clones.... can they be stopped? join to find out! Clone name: Real name: age: gender: apperence: history: side:clones or rebles Clone name:Casey Maitland Real name:Carrie Connor age:19 gender:female apperence: : history:her name was Carrie connor,she died of the diseas,but everyone thought her DNA was destoryed,but it wasnt,and she came back,she thinks she might have gotten pregnant naturaly,but is still unsure.she is the storngest clone many are trying to kill her... side:both,she is a double agent.
well three years after lyra had little jack,she mark and jack left the brethern court and set off on the seas again,just sailing forever,but this war is still coming,and jones,angry that mark defeated him again is following the sparrows more closely than ever,planning to strike and kill when the time comes,minewhile lyra is expecting her second child to mark,but will this be different to the first one? and the east india trading company is on the move,kill hords of pirates at a time...can this war end? Name: age: gender: history: apprence: parents: weapons: side: lover/ husband or wife: Name:Lyra Turner age:23 gender:female history: three years ago she fell pregnant to mark sparrow and had a son named jack,after his grandfather,now she is pregnant again and sailing onwards with mark and her son.she and mark were made pirate lords by the brethern before they left,she doesnt drink as much as she used to,she gotten more serious about it since she had jack.she has been pregnant for five months so her belly is kinda big... apperence: parents:Will and Elizabeth turner weapons:two guns and a sword side: Pirates lover/husband or wife:Mark Sparrow Name:Jack Mark William Sparrow age:3 gender:male apperence: parents:Lyra and Mark Sparrow sibilings:his mother is pregnant again
base on the tv programe wild at heart a familiy has move to africa,to help look after the animals they built a holiday resort so people could go on a safrai but they also help heal animals better and fatser too but other dramas unfold...what are they? Name: age: gender: apperence: familiy: (( if you have any)) Name:Nick Maitland age:42 gender:male apperence: familiy:Wife,Carloine,Daughter Abby,Step-son James,,Son Stephen. and soon to be son in law Connor. Name:Caroline Maitland age:42 gender:female apperence: familiy:Husband,Nick,Step-Daughter Abby,son James,Step-Son Stephen and soon to be son in law Connor Name:Abby Maitland and Connor Temple age:20 gender:female apperence: the girl is Abby and boy is Connor,duh! familiy:Father,Nick,step-Mother,Caroline,Brother Stephen,step-Brother James and soon to be husband Connor. Name:Stephen Maitland age:17 gender:male apprence: familiy,Nick,Caroline,Abby,James and soon to be Connor Name:James Maitland age:10 gender:male apperence: familiy:Nick,Caroline,Abby.Stephen and soon to be Connor
well its a good few years since the collage and now their kids are learning to be good nobodies.the organization are old,and unable to teach these young they build a bording school and get dusks to teach the kids.there is another deivd though worse than before...what can happen? Name: age: gender: apperence: parents: power: history: Name:Abby Maitland age:16 gender:female apperence: parents:Hayden and John Maitland (desceased) power:invisibility,force feilds,engry blast from hands and walking through walls history:Abby is much like her mother,leader of the rebles,she causes trouble at every turn.ever since her father died three years ago,she turned to drink and smoking,unknown to her mother,she finds school work easy,due to being able to kill the dusks easily,but doesnt like to follow the rules. Name:Connor Maitland age:19 gender:male apperence: parents:Hayden and John Maitland(desceased) power:super speed,super stregenth,fire and ice history:Connor is nothing like his younger sister,he is a joker,less serious,in the same amount of trouble most of the time.when his father died,he tried to be strong for his mother and sister,but it didnt work,he drinks sometimes and doesnt smoke,he is a less serious memeber of the rebels which his sister leads
so this is a hundred years after the first team, and anomiles are opening again... and a new team are fourmed. they have to stop things coming through nd killing people,can they do it? or will they fail. there is also a traitor on the team,but nobody knows who it is...yet? will he reveale himself? what will happen? join to find out! Name: age: (20-40) gender: apperence: hisotry: job: Name:Ashline 'ash' maitland age:22 gender:female apperence: history:Ash works ina zoo,at the reptile part,but she joined the team after it closed and her boss was killed by a creature,she secretly has a crush on two memebers of the team.she does kick boxing,because she was abused as a child.she is the teams fighter girl and techno girl.she hates big bugs and loves reptiles,she even has a prehistoric lizard in her apppartment. job:reptile keeper at a zoo
A thousand years ago,there were great beings,spirits who had special powers such as,fire,water,wind,earth,lightning,thunder,ice and so on.but one,who controled a kind of sonic wave turned evil and destroyed the rest of the others,well the ones who did not join him.he killed fifteen of them...there was twenty before that,only five joined him and together they ruled all... after awhile the five who had joined him either died,or went missing.presumed dead,now he lives alone,in the coulds watching everything...for the slightest movement now the decendants of the titans are starting to get their powers,they live on a small typrocial island that nobody ever goes too,once the villagers hear there is new titans they begin to get ready for war.but the new titans are nothing more than mere teenagers,not great warriors as could this have gone so wrong? will they be able to stop the greatest evil? they will need training. but one of the villagers tells the great one.and he sends people to kill these children....but they fail and the kids have to leave before they can stop the great one.will they do it?join to find out! you can have these powers Fire- water- wind- earth- lightning- thunder- ice- sonic blasts- invisibilty,force fields,walking through walls,engery blasts from hands-Taken super speed- super strength- super strechty-(( like mr fantasitic)) power of metal- sonic scream- shape shifting- laser eyes- hurricanes-Taken flying- controling plants- time warp- Name: age: gender: apperence: power: history: Name:Abby masters age:18 gender:female apperence: power:invisibility,force feilds,walking through walls,shoot energy basts from hands history:N/a
well its been 11 years since,the life after hogwarts one,and i thought everybody needed a break,so they've gone to spain for the whole summer! what fun! everybodies excited and raring to go,will it be one of those greatest holidays in the world? or one of the worse? join to find out! Name: age: gender: apperence: year: siblings: parents: Name:Cory Black age:19 gender:male apperence: yeah:9th siblings:Maddie,Will and Raymound. parents:Lyra and joe Name:Maddieline 'Maddie' Black age:16 gender:female apperence: year:6th siblings: Cory,Will and raymound parents:lyra and joe Name:William 'Will' Black age:14 gender:male apperence: year:4th siblings:Cory,Maddie and Raymound parents:lyra and joe Name:Raymound 'Ray' Black age:11 gender:male apperence: year: 1st siblings:Cory,Maddie and Will parents:lyra and joe Name:Ronan 'Ron' Spinett age:16 gender:male apperence: year:6th siblings:Zarrah parents:jordan and his ex-lisa Name:Zarrah 'Zarr' Spinett age:15 gender:female apperence: year:5th siblings:Ronan parents:jordan and his ex-lisa Name:Ashline 'ash' Mishu age:16 gender:female apperence: year:6th siblings:Connor and Darn parents:Cassandra and Scott Mishu Name:Connor Mishu age:15 gender:male apperence: year:5th siblings:Ashline and Darn parents:Cassandra and Scott Mishu Name: Darn Mishu age:17 gender:male apperene: year:7th siblings:Ashline and Connor parents:Cassandra and Scott Mishu Name: Sophie Potter age:15 gender:female apperence: yeah:5th sibilings:jamei and river parents:alex potter and elle malfoy-long bottom Name: Shawn Potter age:15 gender:male apperence year:5th sibilings:jamei,sophie and river parents:alex potter and elle malfoy long-bottom Name: Jamei Potter age: 16 gender: Female apperence: year: 7th siblings:Sophie and parents: Alex Potter and Elle Malfoy-Long-Bottom Name: Immy Malfoy age: 14 gender: Female apperence: year: 4th siblings: Elliot Malfoy parents: Casey and Becki Malfoy (Becki Deceased) Name: Elliot Malfoy age: 13 gender: Male apperence: year: 2nd siblings: Immy Malfoy parents: Casey and Anya Malfoy Name: River Potter age: 12 gender: Male apperence: year: 1st siblings: Jamei and Sophie Potter parents: Alex Potter and Elle Malfoy-Long-Bottom
Chapter one A baby Sparrow on the way Lyra Sparrow was the wife if Mark Sparrow,the son of Captin Jack Sparrow,five years ago,she had set out to free her father,Will Turner from the Dutchman,she had fallen for mark during her time on the pearl and had stayed with him,now twenty years old she was married to him,she was leanning over the edge of the pearl,being violently sick,she had never had a weak stomach why now? once she was done,she walked along the deck,a hand on her stomach,deadly pale and eyes closed.she sighed,breathing the sea air in.she sat down on a step,head in her hands,feeling that she was going to be sick again,she got up,and she was sick again.she couldnt under stand how she was being so sick,She had only been so sick like this before,and that was when she had,had too much rum.but she didnt have alot the night before...did she? no.not enough to make her this sick,she practicaly crawled from the edge to her cabin,where her husand was asleep,still he had more than her last night,so he needed his sleep,she told on of the crew men to get her a bucket,so she didnt need to get up and down if she was going to be sick,she placed the bucket at her bed,and got in next to mark,who barely took notice of her.he mutterd something and rolled over.she lay on her side and quickly fell asleep... *** Awhile later,she awoke with the ship swinging violently,this did not help her at all,she felt as if her stomach was doing summer-saults,it had also awoken mark,who seemed to be in a foul mood, "Try and stop that from-never mind...."she could hear him yelling,she dragged her self out the bed,wraping a cloak around herself,she headed onto the deck,stumbling slightly, "Mark..."she said weakly,still feeling quit ill and looking very pale,"whats going on?" "nothing dear,go back to look awful..."he said turning to her"are you alright?" "just a little ill is all..." "you sure?" he asked and she nodded,"alright then,lemme help ya anyway...."he said helping her back to the bed *** A few weeks later,she was in her cabin alone,in her night gown she stood in front of the mirror,running her hands up and down her stomach,she now knew why she was so sick all the time..she was expecting...she sighed,hand stopping on her stomach,what was she going to tell mark? would he still love her for who she was? or would he leave and never see her again? it was night time and Mark had stopped the ship at a small town,so he and the crew could go and have a drink somewhere and come back P*ssed out their faces,it was what he normaly did at a weekend.she was used to it and normaly she would have joined them,but she had a reason not to now,and last time she did,the next morrning she was violently sick,that morrning was her first of being pregnant. she headed back up to the deck,and waited for her husband to return,she thought telling him when he was in the state he normaly came back in,mght be better... she was only waiting half an hour when they came back,stumbling and falling,mark behind them all,the worst of the lot,he had to be carried by two of the most sober men,Lyra sighed and told them to take him to the cabin,so much for telling him,that would have to wait till mornning then.... In the mornning she was sitting up in bed,waiting for Mark to get up,he groaned and sat up,he rubbed his face,eyes still closed,then got up,going to the little basion he splashed water on his face,she gave time to sober up alittle,then said "um....Mark....i have something to...tell you..." "can it wait?" "No.its waited a few weeks now and i havent been able to tell you..." "alright then....what is it?" "" there was a knock on the door, "Captin,your father is here...says he wants to see you..." "send him down."Mark said and few mintues later Jack was down the cabin,talking with his son,then Mark said "Lyra,what were you going to tell me?" "oh....its not important anymore..." "But i want to know..." "best not keep secrets lass..."Jack said,Lyra sighed, " pregnant..." "what?" "im gonna have a baby..." Mark sat down slowly and Jack laughed and clapped his hands "OOHH a baby Sparrow on the way eh?! wait till i tel your father and mother Lyra...they're going to be thrilled!" Mark doesnt look thrilled to being told her was going to be a father.... what did you expect?! he's a pirate! not a babysitter yes but,he could try and look happy.... maybe he doesnt want a child yet... maybe he doesnt want one with me... ofcourse he does! hes in love with you! should i even have this child? if hes not happy...i wont be... have it...he'll get happy! she was having a fight with her own thoughts....she didnt know what to do,she only knew she was pregnant and the father didnt look happy....
its been five years since Lyra and mark first set off together, they freed will from the dutchman,and lyra stayed at sea with mark,but now they've heard word that Davy Jones has somehow come back,seeking revenge on those who stopped him and claim his ship once more... but the east inda trading company,is still after pirates,trying to get them to stop,or die. Lyra and Mark keep sailing,until they reach the bretherin court,where they are made pirate lords,and then they are under attack, who'll win? Pirates or Jones or the trading company? join to find out! Name: age: gender: history: apperence: parents: weapons: side: pirates,jones or trading company? lover: if you have one... Name:Lyra Turner age:20 gender:female history:five years ago,she joined the crew of the black peral,in order to save her father from the dutch man,everybody thinks she has a problem with drinking,but she says its just a little one.she is still at sea with mark sparrow,she also will have a suprise to tell people near the end,but not right now ^^! apperence: parents:Will and Elizabeth turner weapons:two guns and a sword side:Pirates lover:Mark Sparrow