"yeah," she siad quickly, her expression changing quickly to a smile.
Myou swallowed nervously staring at them and took a step back, remebering something that had happened a while ago. She closed her eyes tightly and waited paitently fot Geryl's reaction to the antidote
*eats cookie* it dissapeared again! *gasp!* there's a cookie monster loose and he's stealing meh cookies! oh noes!
-_- i can tell... hey hey guess what! *does not wait for anyone to say 'what'* that was the first time today i made that face! i am now feeling accomplished! -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- EDIT! mwhahaha! i was right! neko's do purr when they sleep XP... *clasps hand over mouth* shh! neko's sleeping
*takes one* um... *looks both ways then eats it* it disappeared, i need another one ^^
Myou jumped as a hand rested on her shoulder, she looked up at Silax, "A new member of what?" she asked curiously cocking her head... ooc: i decided to have her not know what the organization is... yet
lead the way i need a giant cookie! XP
no i was really hyper and doing the dishes made me unhyper... if that is a word :D
:D so is there a giant cookie jar in this castle?
"umm...." she blushed harder and turned away. "i'm fine," she replied her hand curling around the strap of her backpack
*pokes DS in case she is dead then resumes search for a cookie jar*
yay i feel loved! *tackles* ^^
yeah stupid chores, *mutters under breath and shortly after stomach grumbles loudly* i need a cookie. *looks around for a cookie jar*
... im back... ^^ was i missed or greatly apriciated to be gone?
ooc: srry i had to do the dishes bic: myou looked at them uncertainly wondering whether or not the new made antidote would work. if not she guessed she would have to come up with one herself, she was a healer after all, but in dire circumstances she always seemed to loose focus or mess up, like that time. Myou shook her head roughly and ignored the pain nagging at her from the back of her mind.
hi hi im back.... awws now im completely drained of energy... i hate doing the dishes T.T
Myou looked after katara her blue eyes following her to the door, what is wrong with everyone here, what kind of an inn is this? ooc: she was looking for somewhere to stay because she was kicked out of her village for reasons i cannot say at the moment. Her gaze drifted back to the person on the couch who just gave out a low moan. she looked concerned... "um will this work?" she pulled out a small clear bottle filled with a blue liquid and handed it to Ryxia. "its a pain killer," she said, explaining the contents,. ooc: i will be back in about 15 min
lets all eat browinies! :3
evil cookie haters *gets giant cookie guardian ready to attack them* fine then it is a cookie castle thats even better! >D
Myou heard a loud thump and was out of her chair in a second she wheeled around and looked at the stairway, the look still planted firmly on her face. she saw a body lying sprawled out on the ground at the base of the stairs and she rushed towards it. she never thought about anything before doing it, whatever happened to pop in her mind was the first thing she would do and in this case it was the person laying on the ground. "What the heck happened are you okay?" she shook the boy and stared at him for any form of response. One person that was crowded around him brought him to the couch and laid him on it. Myou followed and was utterly appalled when she heard he had been poisoned. ooc: i know what happened btw but she doesn't srry if its late