y'know i have a silenced 9mm under my pillow and dont make me get it *gets distracted over own finger*
OOC: since Zetsumei is gone im done using colors except for Ekitai and Keishou's brother. Keishou flew to Seth and Destiny. He pulled his sword. "Versago, this time its over. I won't lose to you this time. Its been two years since we both died, and this time it will be you!" Keishou shouted. Ekitai stood over the battlefield. It wasn't his battle. Not anymore. But he felt he needed to do something in this fight. He stared at the leather glove on his hand. He nodded his head once and pulled out the same knife that Keishou had stabbed into the ground when he fought Versago. This is what truely allowed Keishou to revive him.
i am the king of this thread. NONE SHALL BEAT ME!
freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tacos yay!
"I just don't understand. If Seth could match Versago, then he could easily take down Zetsumei, so why am I here? What to do?" Ekitai placed his hand on Keishou's shoulder. "My friend, you are powerful. Life is not always ment for a purpose. We just give ourselves a purpose, without knowing it. Your purpose was to destroy your darkness." "You should also follow what your heart says and you did; you returned to the place you belong. That is what was supposed to happen. But Versago was tied to you when you came back, because with him supposed to be dead, you could live in peace."
Keishou stared at the ground. An image flashed in his mind of the symbol of Dark Revival. He pulled a sharp rock from the ground. He had completely absorbed Ekitai's flame and realized that Ekitai was telling him to keep the power. His brother was also telling him to keep the wind. He engraved the japanese symbol of light revival into the ground. A light fluid rose from the symbol. His brother and Ekitai stepped out of the pool. Keishou's heart filled with joy. He hugged his brother and slugged Ekitai in the arm.
Through his mind, Keishoy sent Seth a message. "Seth, promise me two things; you'll survive and after the wedding we'll have a little one on one.
what about bob? *is sarcastic*
actually recently i got full wanted level and then went after people with only a minigun
live and never die
fourth revival and is this easy or what
Zetsumei's spirit appeared before Dark Destiny and Versago. "I used to wonder why Keishou fought for light. Now, after dying to him I know he fights for the right thing," Zetsumei said as he almost punched Dark Destiny but permanently faded away. Keishou approached Seth, wtih a smile, but he was happy and unhappy. His brother was dead yet he got to face Versago for real this time.
The wind whistled in Keishou's ears. He then realized that this is how his brother had found him. His brother had control of the winds. And now he realized that time had suddenly frozen. He was instantly transported to a dark realm. In front of him he saw a sword stuck inside of a crystal. He also saw two other crystals that swords had been pulled from. He grasped the handle and easily jerked it from the crystal. A windy aura came from the sword. The sword then flew into his sword. A bright flash signaled that a new sword was born. Keishou examined the sword carefully. He nodded to it and swung it. It left a golden trail. He could feel the strength, speed and balance of the blade. He was brought back to the fight with his darkness. The two immediatly continued fighting. Keishou began flying while shooting waves of lightning combined with fire and wind. Zetsumei matched them with powerful blasts of darkness. The match had become level. For another twenty minutes they fought and grew tired. The faced each other with the same expression while panting. They both ran at each other and slashed. Keishou opened his eyes and noticed that he had done it. He saw Zetsumei laying nearly dead on the ground. Zetsumei looked up at Keishou and smiled kindly. An orb of power floated from his body and went to Keishou. They nodded at each other and Keishou absorbed the energy. Zetsumei then threw his sword to Keishou. Keishou nodded and slammed the blades together, creating one of the most powerful swords ever. Zetsumei faded away a piece at a time. Only one thing left to do. Versago, its over.
OOC: I'm not gonna use any special colors for this battle. Just so your not confuzed Keishou and Zetsumei fought for what seemed to be hours. Zetsumei's sword was near unbeatable. But Keishou was never going to give up. Keishou began to wonder if he could push his power further than the 4th form. He realized that, there might be a way to transform with Ekitai's powers. That was his true 4th form. He realized it now. He pushed his power to the very limit. He hit 4th form and instead of his usual dragon wings, he sprouted one dragon wing and one phoenix wing. One of his arms turned into a flame-like solid substance and his eyes turned orange, gold and red.
Keishou felt a strong dark presance. He knew this was the last time he would feel it. "Zetsumei, I know its you and as soon as I find my brother, you're dead!" He shouted "So sorry, but I'm afraid your little brother isn't here." he said. He drew the sword and faced Keishou. 'Fine. I'll humor you. It'll be the last time we ever fight. Keishou drew his sword.
Keishou smiled but it didn't last. He turned and ran toward the direction the voice told him. He couldn't wait. for his brother hadn't died. He felt invincible.
i think it did. it was funny. and it was a gang member i think 2
for anyone who has played the game before and liked it, what is the craziest thing (or things) youve ever done? mine was when i made him as fat as possible then made him run around with no shirt. then i got in a helicopter, and went as high as possible then jumped out. I hit a random pedestrian and killed them. another was when i put in a cheat where vehicles hit fly away. so i hit a bike and it was still at ground level. i got on the bike and suddenly shot into the air. and i couldn't get off. not until i got really high and i saw this other car I hit. and the final thing was i got my wanted level to 6 stars and had a bazooka with a lot of ammo. so i spent like 3 hours just shooting helicopters. then i ran out of ammo so i threw grenades and in the end, used up all the ammo for my desert eagle, smg, m4, grenades, sniper rifle, combat shotgun and i was left with a pistol i found and (i tried shooting myself) it had 4 shots left. and i took out another helicopter with those 4 shots. then i died.
"N-no. I promised that I would be protector of peace. I promised my little brother I would come and find him once I finished with you. And nothing is going to let me DIE!" Just then, Ekitai switched places with Keishou. "You will pay! For everything you've done!" Ekitai shouted as he changed back to Keishou.
Keishou tried to keep his cool but this was impossible. This person would be almost as strong as Versago