Guys, stop! Go spam about taking away video game consoles somewhere else. Anyhoo, the BF was a little bit dissapointing. The maps weren't as good as the first one and the story mode wasn't exactly fantastic either. I think they should go back to the Jedi Knight/Academy series and build it from there.
What an cliche yet awesome Trinity Limit to finish the chapter off. xD
Story is about Zack and the real story events before FF7. FMV are just gorgeous on the PSP.
Once you've seen one Mario Kart, you've seen them all. This will prolly appeal more to the hardcore Nintendo/driving gamer fans.
I'm betting some of the members will be sub-bosses or monsters in random encounters.
ROFLcopter at Xemnas/Xehanort's Heartless conversation. xD
Just go by your favourite song... ...but please for the love of Ra, don't use LP.
Signal Fire - Snow Patrol
It is the most dissapointing arc of the series. Period. It gets much better from 25 onward.
Dang. Nice work, guys. It's good to see that we have staff who are willing to get the job done.
I think Ven is going to be voiced by Jesse. Odds are JYB is going to voice a character xD
...Y'know, I always thought it was Mickey as well. Like he had gone straight to the source of the problem...and lost to Xehanort's Heartless.
...OH, you've got to be kidding me. The first was good for a laugh...but the second one was just sad.
Are Chuck Norris jokes allowed? Q: What do tornados do for fun? A: Twister!!! ...k, that wasn't that funny, oh well.
What he said. You can also just land on his shoulder, summon Tinkerbell and whack away.
To be truthful, I didn't paid attention to the existance of Mickey in KH at all. ...cause I was cooking something during the Disney World scene. >.>
Salt & Vinegar and Nacho Cheese. Damn they taste good.
Try looking on Filefront or Youtube. I know some people put their AMVs on Filefront so you could try there. Someone might have uploaded it on Youtube already. Worst case scenario, you just recreate the video.
D-Technolife. ...cause it's done by UVERworld and you see Ichigo kick a*se. Enough said.
The idea of yet another Marvel movie doesn't appeal to me. ...that and I just don't like the Hulk in general.