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  1. Princess Celestia
    Who wrote the longest chapter of a Fan Fic?

    Contest judged by number of words.

    I put my Chapter 3 of Rise of the Blackhearts in as my contender!

    6470 words... I did not know it was that many...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 27, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Playground
  2. Princess Celestia

    Sora loses his heart and becomes a heartless. Later on through the streanth of his heart, he returns to his real shape.

    Now... obviosly when he turned into a heartless he lost his body, and part of his soul, as Roxas existed afterwards.

    Now... Sora then regained his body and returned to his true form through the strenth of his heart.

    Xehanort maintained the shape of his body through the power of his heart.

    Now... do you think they did it through the same technique... meaning throughout the later half of KH1, and all of CoM Sora was really a heartless like Ansem the Heartless?

    Just a random theory... tell me what you think please.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 25, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Princess Celestia
    The number of post... I did... only 100 more and I turn pink...

    anyone else think of anything over 900?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 24, 2008, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Princess Celestia
    But did all my post get deleted?

    I had an awesome fan fiction going... now the thead is showing no post...

    I hope its only a temporary problem.... because I only saved the Beta'd copies on here...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 22, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Princess Celestia

    What is EMO?

    I know what it is to me... I want to see what everyone else thinks is emo...

    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 12, 2008, 44 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  6. Princess Celestia
    I just watched FF: AC for the first time today... and I gotta say, Kadaj suprised me...

    I heard he and his crew was emo... but none of the warnings could have prepared me for what happened.

    Was it just me... or did he attack using the pure essense of Emo when he shot that blue stuff out.

    I named the move "Emo" when he shot that multi blast at Cloud, I called it "Emara" when his two goons blew themselves up at the end apparently using nothing more than emotions... I called that "Emaga."

    Me and my cousin were laughing so hard.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 11, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Princess Celestia
    I wish I had a camera with me... I was on my way to a carshow, driving my muscle car... then I saw it. I couldnt believe my eyes.

    A guy was riding accross the intersection leisurely, interupting traffic all four ways. He was on his cell phone, not paying attention to where he was going, If I didnt see the phone in his hand... I would have thought he was drunk.

    What is most amazing is his form of transportation. He was riding a horse through the city. I was like "What in the world?"

    If I had a camera, the picture/video would so be posted by now. But I dont... Sorry :(
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 8, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Princess Celestia
    Here are the rules... first person to end a post without saying "got it memorized" loses.

    Got it memorized?
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 6, 2008, 85 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Princess Celestia
    They win... They get there wish... in Kingdom Hearts 2, everything was one big waste. Sora does the most idiotic thing, letting Org XIII win.

    Everything they did worked. I think its only right that that happens.

    Nomura backed my theory up himself.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 3, 2008, 52 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Princess Celestia
    Here it is folks... the secret to how I win at everything...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Mar 1, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Princess Celestia
    I made it for Pika_Power... I hope he likes it...


    I kinda want to use it myself, but only noobs sig quote themselves...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Feb 25, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Princess Celestia
    We're half way there, Oh, oh livin' on a prayer! We'll make it I swear, Oh , oh, livin on a prayer....

    by the way... I hate Bon Jovi... and I think that song is the most annoying song... its so 80's cliche.

    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Feb 21, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Princess Celestia
    I would vote for Dueling Banjos.

    What do you think is the best.

    Never mind, I found this one...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Feb 13, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Princess Celestia
    Where can I find this version of Organization XIII theme song...

    I have the soundtrack, but Its not on there, the Organization.

    It sounds a lot like the Deep Dive themesong.

    I have the KH2 soundtrack, as well as the KH1. But its not on either.


    Never mind I found it. Its called Another Side!

    The best song in the Kingdom Hearts series, witholding Rising Tension... and Fragments of Sorrow.

    Mods, feel free to close delete... sorry.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Feb 11, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Princess Celestia

    "A whole minute of animation, destroying all those planets to do what, 4000 damage? What level was that one scrub who beat you? 15, maybe 16?"

    This is what happens when I youtube, sorry...

    "Its good to be the clown!"
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jan 23, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Princess Celestia
    **Final Fantasy Spoilers Galore**

    Everyone knows that Sora, Kairi, and Riku are connected with Ven, Terra, and Aqua.

    I wonder if it has anything to do with the Heroes of Light from the Final Fantasy series.

    Final Fantasy 1-5 all mentioned heroes of light, with the exeption of 2, and in 4 they are mentioned, but the word "Heroes of light, is not used."

    In all of thier appearances, each of the Heroes of light always had an element. Wind, Water, Earth, and Fire.

    Sora and Ven mean sky, and wind respectivly.

    Kairi and Agua mean sea and water.

    Riku and Terra mean earth and ground.

    Now, I'm wondering who the hero of Fire is. Possibly Mickey? I dont know.


    Im going to compare the heroes of light from Final Fantasy 5 (which is the most classic heroes of light) I would also like to compare them to the Heroes of light from Final Fantasy 3, but I dont remember the story very well, or the character names, so blah...

    Bartz vs Sora
    Bartz is the hero of wind. He is a free spirit. Always looking for adventure. He is a happy go lucky kind of guy, always optimistic. He also is a bit immature, but has a strong sence of justice.

    Sora matches all of the above in spades.

    Riena vs Kairi
    Riena is a girly girl. Not very aggresive, kinda quite. Always seems to be the most reasonable in the party. And she is a princess

    Kairi hasnt been in the game long enough for us to truly know her, but she is a girly girl. Seems to be calm and mellow though. Shes really a princess too.

    Guluf vs Riku
    Guluf is older than the rest of the group, a grandfather. He is very determined whenever the goal in front of him is clear, he has a strong friendship with those of the party, certainly is the most loyal. Sacrifices himself for the benefit of others.

    Riku is still the eldest, but only by a year. He also seems to have a high determination drive. Seems to be the most willing to sacrifice himself (IE: Xemnas battle).

    I would do one for Faris, but her personality doesnt match Mickeys at all, possibly because Mickey's personality was already determined by Disney. Also, we dont even know if Mickey is the Hero of Fire.

    Heroes of Darkness

    Ok, also, there is also mentioning of Heroes of Darkness in several Final Fantasy games. You fight the Heroes of Darkness, (sometimes called the fiends of darkness) in Final Fantasy 1, 3, 4, and 5. In final fantasy 3, and 5, they mention that the Heroes of Light and the heroes of Darkness, are always CONECTED.

    Nomura mentioned that Ven Terra and Aqua are connected to Sora, Riku, and Kairi.

    Also, In Final Fantasy 3, you actually meet the Heroes of Darkness in human form. They are seen wearing Bronze and Gold armour. Which does remind me of Ven, Terra, and Aqua in the teaser trailer. (Someone please find me a screen shot of the heroes of Darkness. I looked high and low...)


    Birth by sleep mentioned that Ven is connected with Sora, most speculate its likely its through Roxas, considering they look the same.

    Also, DiZ said "Roxas is from Darkness, and unable to pass through light", and "From the other side" wheas "Sora is made of light, and can pass through the world of Light."

    And when Sora asked Roxas who he was he stated "Someone from the dark."

    This all may be implying that he is actually a Hero of Darkness.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jan 19, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Princess Celestia

    This is madness...
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jan 12, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Princess Celestia

    If Chuck Norris doest instantly kill you... he is granting you permision to view this link.

    Rated pg-13 for violence and mild language.

    11 Facts about Chuck Norris...

    Rated G
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jan 12, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Princess Celestia
    Besides the basics, a good story and gameplay. I also hope there is a great and inovative multiplayer mode.


    Cooperative story

    And an innovative vs. mode
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Jan 2, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. Princess Celestia
    Sora not justified? *Spoiler*

    I say no. He was not justified.
    Thread by: Princess Celestia, Dec 30, 2007, 536 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX