AerithRose amyleeforever Angel Anniexo_Xymed Catch The Rain Chuck Norris cloudfinalfantasy3 Dark Shadow Darkvincent eathel_naa Forsaken FUZZY SWEATER Gharanth Goimez Jade Rhade JellyBeing Khfreak050 KingMickey kitty_mckechnie Master of the Onyx Flame Rainbow Stoner Random Angel Rat riku sora kairi own rovers_rob Roxas Roxasvsriku scatterd-fears Shadow Sora 13 Spiritstar Storrini TheChosenOne Xadllas Xegreny Zexion
ok. .
T_T I missed it though.
what was Xaldins posting level. It was over 9.000.000!!!!!!
if your 555 then I'm 666 *looks at postcount* .... Damn.
*listens to norther*
*flips over raigeki* *Summon bubble man and clayman* *realiizez he has no polymerization in hbis hand* Damn! *puts a card face down in the spell/trap field*
But t3h yu-gi-oh are real! Look! *holds up light and darkness Dragon* TAKE THEM DOWN WIH LIGHT AND DARKNESS BLAST!
^ broke t3h chain < epic V pwn.
So my urges to do things are actually urges not to do things =O Thanks :3 *tilts head*
*uses god powers to thorw you all into the 13th dimension*
... *facepalms*
............................................................................................................................................................................ . . . . Its inside-out.
^ liek ya < liek ya V like pr0n
^laugh'd at < bored V SUPER MEGA AWESOME!
^ told me why I got a G in my mock GCSE < now knows the alphabet goes abcbfehgnaovnbfdisdanvfebveprqubgitjrokdjsazklmqsajzxkicldewmdnsdfolb V Likes beanz.
No you dont win a pony ride. You win the chance to know that you know I like Kiss =)
^ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccc <bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefffffffffffffff Vkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkggggggggggnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I'm a.....